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Review of Food Fresh Auto Vacuum

A NaturalNews PhotoTour by Mike Adams

Normally, grapefruit will store in the open air of my kitchen for a couple of weeks without going bad. I live in the desert, and the air is fairly dry, so it's actually good for storing fruits and herbs. I was curious to see how long the grapefruit in the Auto Vacuum Food Fresh might last in comparison.

Keep in mind that the air inside the Food Fresh device is nowhere near a true vacuum. There's still plenty of air in there (as demonstrated by my balloon test). I watched the grapefruits each day to record their food preservation status.

It didn't take long before a strange white mold started to grow on the grapefruit inside the chamber of the device, and after ten days, the mold expanded and started to take over one of the grapefruit, turning it into a partially white fuzzball. Normally, grapefruit sitting on my counter never grows such molds.

Click NEXT to see a closeup of the white mold.

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