FDA Commissioner Eschenbach to Leave FDA Before Obama Can Fire Him
By Mike Adams, December 16, 2008 | Key concepts: FDA, Eschenbach and Obama
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As President Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20th, FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach will be doing something on the same day: Quietly slipping out the back door of the FDA.
Eschenbach doesn't want to wait around to be fired by Obama, it seems, so he's leaving the FDA just before Obama's swearing in.
Who will replace Eschenbach? Current candidates include Stephen Nissen (Cleveland Clinic), Joshua Sharfstein (whose father was once head of the American Psychiatry Association), and Janet Woodcock (the pro-Pharma candidate liked best by drug companies).
I'm voting for Peter Rost, a former Pfizer executive a top whistleblower on Big Pharma's fraud. The drug industry, of course, would argue strongly against Rost, saying he's "biased" (because he doesn't buy in to Big Pharma's lies).
Then again, why not just appoint Mickey Mouse to the position? The FDA has become a cartoon-land joke of an agency anyway. With Mickey Mouse at the helm, at least we might get the agency to outlaw medical experiments on mice.
In any case, it's apparent that many corrupt Bush appointees are fleeing Washington before the Obama swearing in. It's happening at the EPA, too, where politicians are being replaced with -- gasp! -- scientists.
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