Elements for Life Achieves "Pass for Kids" Certification for Entire Product Line
By Mike Adams, December 1, 2008 | Key concepts: Kids' health, Superfoods and Junk foods
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PASS stands for "Parents' Alternative to Sugars and Synthetics," and it's now a non-profit organization that seeks to shift kids and parents off junk foods and onto healthy foods (www.PASSforkids.org). Its founder, Lisa Marie, is also working closely with many NFL players, getting them off the Gatorade junk and onto healthy, wholesome drinks made with natural ingredients.
Now Elements for Life, the direct sales superfood company, has achieved PASS for Kids certification for its entire product line, which includes goji berries, marine phytoplankton, zeolites, superfood powders, a colloidal gold liquid, cordyceps mushroom powder and several other superfood products.
Elements for Life has grown quickly in 2008 as superfood notables like David Wolfe joined the organization and promoted its products. Like a typical direct sales organization, each member buys $100 / month of product, and the retail margins are paid back to distributors rather than going to the bottom line of a retail store, for example.
The Elements for Life product line is simply outstanding, and the leadership of this company is well grounded in the philosophy of healthy green living. Although I don't personally have any financial ties to the company, the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center does have a position there, and it has pledged 100% of its income to funding health freedom campaigns that would help defend the freedoms of health consumers against threats like CODEX and the FDA.
To purchase Elements for Life products or enroll as a distributor, contact Lenette at 626-419-0766 (lenette@gorawchicago.com) or Liran at 917-916-2484 (info@superfoodelements.com).
"PASS for Kids" will continue to receive coverage here on NaturalNews, as it could play an important role in enhancing the health of the food supply and protecting our children from dangerous food additives.
To learn more about PASS for kids, visit www.PASSforkids.org
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