Melamine Contamination of U.S. Infant Formula Products Could be Widespread
By Mike Adams, November 29, 2008 | Key concepts: Infant formula, Melamine and Milk protein
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FDA lab tests and in-house tests conducted by infant formula manufacturers reveal that as much as 90 percent of the infant formula sold in the United States may be contaminated with trace amounts of melamine.
In response, rather than demanding a recall of the products, the FDA has declared them all to be safe by abruptly deciding, without any scientific evidence whatsoever, that melamine contamination below 1 ppm is suddenly safe for infants in unlimited quantities.
NaturalNews covers this breaking story in more detail in today's feature article entitled "90 Percent of U.S. Infant Formula May Be Contaminated with Melamine; FDA Abruptly Declares Chemical Safe for Babies," available here:
The story also theorizes that infant formula could be just the tip of the iceberg on this story: It is possible that milk proteins throughout the industry are contaminated with trace levels of melamine, and that means we could find the chemical in meal replacement products, protein shakes and powdered milk products being sold on the shelves right now.
Further testing will be necessary to determine whether that is the case, of course, but read the story above to learn why it is quite plausible that such contamination is in place right now.
From Up to 90 percent of the infant formula sold in the United States may be contaminated with trace amounts of melamine, the toxic chemical linked to kidney damage, according to recent tests. The FDA's test results, which the agency hid from the public and only released after the Associated Press filed a Freedom of Information Act request, showed that Nestle, Mead Johnson and Enfamil infant formula products were all contaminated with melamine.... more
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Melamine Infant Formula
