HPV Vaccine a Fraud, Says Doctor
By Mike Adams, November 5, 2008 | Key concepts: HPV vaccine, Vaccination and FDA
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The HPV vaccine actually increases the risk of cervical cancer in some women by 44.6%. Dr. James Howenstine explains how the FDA is staffed by white collar criminals bent on engineering yet more profits for Big Pharma, despite the fact that their drugs and vaccines simply don't work. Flu shots are a complete joke, too. Did you ever notice all the people who get the flu are the same ones who got the flu shot?
From Newswithviews.com: To make matters even worse it has now been learned that vaccinating women with Gardasil may actually increase the risk that those women harboring a benign cervical HPV viral infection have a 44.6 percent increased risk of having their benign HPV infection converted into a precancerous state by the HPV vaccine administration. Thus women vaccinated with Gardasil not only receive no benefit those who were sexually active before the vaccine administration have become at increased risk for developing cervical cancer.... more
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