Western Diet Responsible for One-Third of Heart Attacks
By Mike Adams, October 21, 2008 | Key concepts: Western diet, Heart disease and Processed foods
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Eating a western diet of meat, dairy and fried foods boosts the risk of a heart attack by 35%, according to new research. The study looked at the results of 16,000 people spanning 52 countries. The results fully back up the same findings of the book The China Study which found that western foods promote cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
From News.bbc.co.: The researchers created a dietary risk score questionnaire based on 19 food groups and then asked 5,561 heart attack patients and 10,646 people with known heart disease to fill out their survey. People who ate a Western diet had a 35% greater risk of having a heart attack than those who ate little or no fried foods and meat.... more
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