EPA Sued to Properly Assess Health Risks of Pesticides in the Water Supply
By Mike Adams, September 11, 2008 | Key concepts: Pesticides, Water and The EPA
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Once again, the U.S. government has to be sued just to do its job of protecting the public. In this case, the EPA is being sued because it has so far failed to properly assess the health and safety implications of pesticide residues in groundwater (which provides water for homes, businesses, crops, etc.) The EPA is dragging its feet, of course, because it doesn't want to threaten the big chemical companies that now influence most regulatory decisions of the government. Declaring pesticides to be dangerous (which they are, of course, or they wouldn't kill pests) could result in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars a year for the chemical companies making and selling them.
From Abcnews.go.com: In the last year and a half, public interest law firm Earthjustice has filed four federal lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency concerning the use of pesticides. "There are several pesticides on the market that pose extreme risks to human health -- through the water, air and food," said Joshua Osborne-Klein, an attorney for the Earthjustice. "Our lawsuits say that the EPA has not fully assessed these risks."... more
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