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What causes cancer? The five vectors of chemical assault on your health

Causes of cancer

(NaturalNews) Mark these words: There will never be a magic pill or miracle vaccine that cures cancer, ever. Why? Cancer is a mutation of cells – a disorder of cells caused by the cumulative effect of toxins entering the body, one way or another, and overwhelming your cleansing organs to the extent that your cells become warped and the cell replication mechanism literally breaks, enabling cancerous cells to multiply uncontrollably.

Imagine an enemy army creating a factory where dangerous clone-robot fighters are being produced using chemical fuels, and the machine that makes them speeds up uncontrollably, overproducing in mass quantity, all while the "good" (human and organic) army gets weaker and weaker by consuming all the wrong fuel.

Now imagine that the fuel that's feeding those malfunctioning clone-soldier-making machines comes from several sources, and those sources are also no longer controlled, just pouring into the machines that are reproducing the "bad guys."

Do you really think you could win that battle, that war? Every day that goes by gets tougher, as the bad guys multiply and the good guys get weaker. Let's talk about toxins that fuel the cancer machine, so we all know what to cut out.

The cure for cancer? Fix those broken machine 'mechanisms' by ending the consumption of chemical fuels

If you accidentally eat some bug spray that got on your food, you may get an upset stomach and even vomit, but you most likely won't die or get cancer. If you eat some meat that has E. coli or salmonella, you'll be "sick as a dog" for a few days, but most people won't die or ever get cancer from it. If you get gasoline or motor oil all over your hands, or you swim in a pool for hours that's overloaded with extra chlorine, you won't die or get cancer from it. If you hang out in a room full of smokers who are tugging back on cigarettes right and left, and you breathe in some second hand smoke for an hour or two, you won't die or get cancer from it. Your filtering organs are efficient "machines" themselves, and your liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs and skin will save you, if they can.

However, if you do all of these things listed above, hour after hour, day in and day out, plus you eat GMOs and processed foods, and you take pharmaceutical medications daily, and you drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and so on, sure, we all know that's a nightmare waiting to happen.

But let's talk about what most Americans do on a daily basis that causes cancer over the long-term, and why there will never be a magic pill or miracle vaccine to cure the kind of cancer they get. The solution, once you know the cause, is simple. It's knowing the cause that's so complicated. Let's break it down right now!

The five vectors of cancer-causing chemical 'assault' fuels

Eating chemicals: The diet craze that started in the 1980s was the death of millions of Americans 20 years later, and the gamut of poisons still infects diet foods today. Aspartame, sucralose and sorbitol are three deadly artificial sweeteners that mutate human cells and cause them to multiply uncontrollably, eventually attacking the breasts, pancreas or the prostate with cancer that chemotherapy can never beat. Remember, chemotherapy is chemical-based also, so that's just more fuel for the evil "robots."

White foods are bleached white, and cause cancer. Beware of white bread, white flour, white rice (except for basmati), white sugar, white pasta, white coffee filters, and the list goes on.

Genetically modified foods, such as most soy, corn and canola, contain cancer-causing insecticides and weed-killer (Roundup's glyphosate) that overwhelm your cleansing organs. Hydrogenated oils are treated with industrial chemicals. Enough said.

Drinking chemicals: Most tap water contains sodium fluoride (not the organic fluoride they want you to believe is in there). Sodium fluoride is a toxic by-product of the chemical industrial complex of China, and is exported to the USA to fuel the cancer industry. This is not a hypothesis or conspiracy theory. There are literally hundreds of videos, professional articles, scientific research studies and documentaries on this topic. Get a great water filter for your home and never drink water from the tap again.

Injecting chemicals: Most Americans are paranoid about infectious diseases and for good reason: The mass media has scared the hell out of people so that Big Pharma can sell millions of toxic vaccines and flu shots. Most "immunizations" and "inoculations" contain some or all of the following: mercury (listed as thimerosal), formaldehyde (embalming fluid for dead people), aluminum and MSG. Don't believe it? Check the facts as reported on TruthWiki, and even as listed on the CDC website!

Breathing in chemicals: From burning toxic candles in your home, to breathing in the spray from the mosquito truck, and from second-hand smoke to toxic air fresheners like Lysol and Febreze, Americans breathe in "cancer" daily, and don't even realize it.

Putting chemicals on your skin: Can you say parabens and phthalates? What about sodium lauryl sulfate and petroleum derivatives? Is there lead in your lipstick or aluminum in your antiperspirant? Is there talc in your powder or bleach in your laundry detergent? Your skin is your largest organ, and it not only absorbs toxins, but needs to breathe and sweat those toxins out. Don't pile chemicals on your skin.

End the insanity. Quit "marching" or "walking" for the "cure." You want the cure for a chemical disorder of the cells that invades one out of every three Americans and kills half of its victims? Cut off the chemical fuel supply. End of story.

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