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Same CNN that declares vaccines to be 'safe' now claims Hillary Clinton's health is outstanding


(NaturalNews) When it was launched, the Cable News Network – CNN, as it would come to be known – was considered a bold experiment in journalism. Would anyone watch a 24-hour network dedicated strictly to breaking news?

As it turns out, the answer was yes, and CNN went on to command large audiences, especially when the news was equally large, such as during the first Gulf War. CNN's Baghdad correspondents provided in-depth, real-time coverage of American combat forces as they quickly pulverized what was the fourth-largest army in the world at the time.

That was then. Today, the network is a shell of its former self, in terms of viewers anyway, and there is no one to blame but management itself. Since becoming a shill for every Left-wing cause and political candidate that comes down the pipe, the network has slipped dramatically, and is no longer considered credible by scores of Americans.

Case in point: The network is so in the tank for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton that it refuses to spend any time at all seriously scrutinizing her very obvious health issues.

In recent days the network managing editors have come to the conclusion that a letter from Clinton's doctor "debunks" concerns over her health, while at the same time some show hosts are insisting that a similar letter from the physician of GOP nominee Donald J. Trump is not to be taken seriously.

CNN asking viewers not to believe what they're actually seeing

Anyone who has been paying any attention at all to the election this cycle is well aware that her health is a major issue, especially after a series of photos which appear to show that the candidate needs assistance just to climb a small set of stairs, and after leaked emails dating back to 2009 show that she herself told aides she did not feel well.

Even popular left-wing talk radio host Dr. Drew Pinsky has insisted recently that he is "gravely concerned" about Clinton's health.

However, during a broadcast last week, CNN host Don Lemon and his panel claimed that discussion of Hillary's health was nothing more than "conspiracy theories," meaning we're not actually seeing what we're seeing Clinton do – stumble, babble incoherently and avoid the press and public like she did in 2012 after fainting and hitting her head.

No, Trump's letter is bogus, while Hillary's letter should be believed without question – that is essentially what Lemon and his panel alluded to.

And, of course, to substantiate their claim that Trump's physician letter was bogus, Lemon played a clip of CNN contributor Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon, from an earlier program, in which he claimed there was too much "hyperbole" in it to be believed.

Clinton's doc is spot-on but Trump's doc 'cannot be substantiated'

Gupta, a long-time Democratic operative who was also a key health advisor to Hillary Clinton in the 1990s, and who was considered for the post of surgeon general by President Obama, has since been regularly attacking Trump's physician letter, Breitbart News reported.

In calling those who question Hillary's medical report conspiracy theorists, Gupta has established himself as a Trump medical conspirator, claiming that the letter is an attempt to hide Trump's medical condition(s) from the country.

But the network is perfectly willing to take Hillary's letter at face value – while ignoring the very real physical evidence that she a) does indeed have medical issues; b) they are becoming well-documented; and c) it is a matter of public record that she is taking blood thinners and thyroid medication, and that she did indeed faint, fall and strike her head, leading to a blood clot.

During Lemon's show his panel giggled and chuckled at the letter from Trump's physician. They labeled it "unusual" because of its verbiage, and then said that the claims it made could not be substantiated, and therefore, "open the door to people asking more questions about his health."

They added that Trump – not Hillary – must "come clean with more than what he has put forth" regarding his health.

Then again, this is the network that claims that vaccines are safe.

It's "reporting" like this that has led to CNN's decline.







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