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Hillary Clinton taking rat poison as a prescription drug ... plus Parkinson's and narcolepsy medications

Hillary Clinton

(NaturalNews) Questions about the health of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton continue to swirl, and it's not because of "deranged conspiracy theories," as the Clinton campaign has claimed.

Recently released emails by the whistleblower website Wiki Leaks plainly show that Clinton looked into a medication that is used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson's disease – and is an ingredient in rat poison.

In August 2011, Clinton sent an email to close aide and confidant Cheryl D. Mills that included the text of an article titled, Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue?

The writer discusses how people in positions of authority and influence can often incur "decision fatigue," which can then lead them to be "low on mental energy," and cause them to "become reckless" while acting "impulsively," as reported by Info Wars.

In addition, the article notes that decision fatigue could manifest itself in the psyche, and may be why "ordinarily sensible people get angry at colleagues," something that may help to explain Clinton's legendary temper tantrums that have sometimes left staffers crying.

More and more medical pros are noticing she has issues

"Wow that is spooky descriptive," Clinton – who responded from her private email server, clintonemail.com – wrote in response to the piece.

Two months later, in a separate email, Clinton received information from Jacob Sullivan, her top foreign policy advisor, about a drug called Provigil (Modafinil), which is prescribed to treat unusual sleepiness and fatigue in patients stricken with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis, along with excessive lethargy caused by narcolepsy.

There's more. A top New York physician says that Clinton is also taking a 'risky' rat poison medication to prevent blood clots, to which she is prone.

As reported by World Net Daily, Dr. Ronald Hoffman, host of the nationally syndicated radio program Intelligent Medicine, says that the medication – Coumadin – is the brand name for a drug called Warfarin, which was developed initially as a rat poison that caused rats to die from internal hemorrhage.

He went on to say in an interview with WND that the parameters for Coumadin are narrow; too little won't do a person any good, and too much can cause you to bleed to death.

Taken as a whole, the fact that the drug Provigil is used to treat Parkinson's is particularly relevant after something a Secret Service whistleblower told Info Wars earlier this month: Hillary is suffering from a serious neurological disease.

What is also significant to note is that the emails came well before Clinton fell and struck her head in late 2012, at which time she developed a "life-threatening" brain blood clot that husband and former President Bill Clinton said took six months to recover from.

Multiple signs of medical problems

Then, Bill Clinton, in defending attacks on Hillary, said it took a half-years' worth of "very serious work" to get over her injury.

And yet the mainstream media continues to treat Clinton's very obvious health conditions as little more than political distraction – as if the American people don't have a right to question the health of a woman who seeks to become the leader of the free world.

In addition to revelations that she may be suffering serious neurological damage, the whistleblowing Secret Service agent, who reached out to Info Wars reporter Joe Biggs at the Republican National Convention last month said:

-- Some $500,000 has been spent to customize three SUV's with lower floors and disabled access, so Clinton does not trip getting in;

-- Clinton's support staff is intent on keeping reporters at bay because she is prone to petit mal seizures, something that helps explain why she hasn't held a press conference in more than 260 days;

-- The candidate has major difficulties with balance and walking, and often stumbles, which explains why she needs help up short flights of stairs.









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