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Top 7 condiments that destroy health faster than you'd ever think


(NaturalNews) Most health enthusiasts watch what they eat in a major way, not realizing that they may not be vigilant enough in some key areas. Are you struggling to shed those last 10 pounds? Can't seem to get enough energy for a good workout at the gym? Too tired before and after work to do much at all? Maybe the secret lies in the need for healthy food across the board, not just when considering the main courses you consume and the beverages of which you partake.

Those little "extras" are greatly underestimated in their power to bring you down, slow you down and actually minimize your potential. That's right: the "man" sneaks poisons into just about anything he can, so when you overlook condiments and don't "sweat the small stuff," it just may be what's sweating you. Maybe your mustard and fermented soy sauce are okay, but there's a swath of toxic toppings you probably think don't make up enough of what you consume to make a difference. Except ... they do.

Do you ever watch videos where the speakers are raw foodists, or health "fanatics," or just nutritional experts, and they seem to have a relentless supply of energy, a positive outlook, enthusiasm and passion for life and what they're teaching? It's not because they consume canola oil and soybean oil all day, and it's certainly not because they drink water from the tap and put animal byproducts that contain hormones, antibiotics and harmful bacteria in their bodies. They're not putting products in their bodies that have been processed, iodized, irradiated, brewed with chemicals, genetically modified or imported from China. Every little bit adds up, and you may want to evaluate everything you're eating and drinking, including these top seven condiments that destroy health faster than most people would ever even consider.

#1. Most coffee creamers, whether liquid or powder: Liquid creamers often contain soy and carageenan, while the powders contain GMO soy, among other polluted ingredients.

#2. Artificial sweeteners: These sweet devils cause feelings of anxiety, nervousness, depression and for many others, irritable bowel syndrome.

#3. Most mayonnaise: Nearly every mayo on the shelves, including the organic options, contains pesticide-laden soybean and canola oils. It's hard to find mayonnaise made with non-GMO sunflower oil or vegenaise. Your best bet is to follow a recipe and make your own organic mayonnaise with organic eggs, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and Dijon mustard.

#4. Most salad dressings, including organic, contain soy and canola oils: They're flooding the shelves lately, and they'll absolutely ruin your healthy salad. Don't let it happen to you. Even organic soy is bad for humans. If soy is not fermented, don't buy it. And canola oil comes from rapeseed, which is toxic to all animals. Let it go!

#5. Sour cream (loaded with hormones and antibiotics from CAFO cows): Sour cream is dairy based, and if the cows aren't grass fed and living outside, eating normal organic food, then they're living in confined animal feeding operations, getting jacked up with artificial growth hormones, shot up with antibiotics and crowded together, walking around in their own feces, with infected udders that produce pus-laden milk. Talk about a condiment that will bring you down and lead to inflammation and excess mucus. Avoid non-organic sour cream at all costs.

#6. Honey: Much of the "honey" sold in America is just HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) that's genetically modified and/or imported and processed imitation honey from China. (Look for REAL honey from local, trusted sources.)

#7. Iodized salt (irradiated and raises blood pressure): You know how you always hear, "Too much sodium causes high blood pressure?" Well, they're talking about iodized, irradiated salt, not sea salt, which contains lots of nutritious minerals. Avoid the white salt that's in just about every shaker at every restaurant in America. Bring your own Himalayan sea salt with you when you go out to eat, and pop your own organic popcorn (with sea salt) and bag it for the movies!

Sweat the small stuff, because it can absolutely ruin the big stuff!

A condiment is any sauce or spice that's added to food in order to impart a certain flavor, or to enhance existing flavor. In some cultures, condiments complement the dish. The term originally described preserved or pickled foods, but the meaning has shifted over the years. Nearly every condiment at a restaurant, convenience store, work office break room, fast food joint or coffee shop contains ingredients that are processed, genetically modified to contain pesticides and detrimental to your health.

Any medical doctor will tell you that you worry too much, but any nutritional expert will tell you that it all adds up, and that there's a reason every third person in America gets cancer in their lifetime, while half of the rest suffer from Alzheimer's, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and other totally preventable health issues.

Start "sweating" the small stuff. Examine all the condiments you've been using regularly, and switch them out for some healthy ones. You'll notice a difference in the way you feel – guaranteed!

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