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The Chemical Castration of Our Children's Brains

Chemical castration

(NaturalNews) In the Vaxxed movie, we have seen how the power establishment not only endangers our children through unproven and dangerous vaccines, the power establishment, as reported to The Common Sense Show by Jon Rappoport, the movie was censored to an extreme degree.

(Article by Dave Hodges, republished from Thecommonsenseshow.com)

Despite the attempts from the criminal elite to maintain their power over the health and welfare of our children, we are finally, we are getting some concentrated attention on the topic of vaccines and the extreme dangers they pose in the name of increasing the bottom line for medical profits.

Yesterday, Mike Adams released an article which cited the fact that 10% of all women in Canada who take the HPV vaccine, end up being treated in an emergency room for side-effects.

On the same day as Mike Adams published, I also released a story which released research data going back over 5 years which demonstrated the clear and present danger posed by government should never be allowed to legislate choices which should be reserved for parents with regard to their children's health and welfare. The parents are sovereign over the welfare of their children, not the nanny state. The article focused on the vaccine, Gardasil.

In the name of increasing the corporate bottom line, the government watchdog industries of the DEA and FDA, as well as the office of the President, have become the willing lap dogs for Big Pharma and this unholy alliance is serving to endanger our children.

It Is Not Just Vaccines, Big Pharma Is Preying Upon Our Children

Big Pharma has gone to great lengths to increase sales to the youth of America either through chemically castrating our children's brains or by producing drugs with very serious side effects which serve to seriously degrade both the brain and the body. Our children are being systematically destroyed by the pharmaceutical industry.

Children and Psychotropic Drugs

Psychotropic drugs affect brain activity associated with mental processes and behavior. While such medication "can have significant benefits for those with mental illnesses, they can also have side effects ranging from mild to serious," including drowsiness, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, loss of coordination, blurred vision, tremors, weight gain and high cholesterol, according to a report released in 2011 by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). The report was the result of a five-state study on the rates at which kids both in and out of foster care were prescribed psychotropic drugs through Medicaid in 2008.

According to the GAO, foster children in Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon and Texas were prescribed psychotropic drugs at rates 2.7 to 4.5 times higher than children not in foster care. This gap may be because kids usually enter foster care after being abused or neglected and living through traumatic experiences. However, as a former clinician, I can unequivocally state that all factors can affect mental health and this does not warrant the wholesale medicating of our children.

But the GAO report also found that in each of the five states studied, foster kids were more likely to be on five or more psychotropic medications, and many children are placed on doses that exceed U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved levels for their ages thus, increasing the potential for adverse side effects. Some of the medications have not even been approved as safe and effective for children by the FDA.

The Ritalin Conspiracy

Let's make up a brain disorder, which parallels normal restlessness of children and then transform a dangerous drug, methamphetamine, and get as many kids on the drug as possible. It is good work if you can find it and pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Eli Lilly are leading the way in medical fraud and in the name of record corporate profits

The use of Ritalin has become so rampant, that even the DEA has become alarmed by the tremendous increase in the prescribing of these drugs in recent years. Since 1990, prescriptions for methylphenidate have increased by 500%, while prescriptions for amphetamine for the same purpose have increased 400%. The American Pediatric Association claims Ritalin is over prescribed by 600%.

For well over a decade, many scientists have speculated that ADD drugs are dangerous and can cause serious injury and death. Etta Brown[5], a licensed educational psychologist and author of Learning Disabilities: Understanding the Problem and Managing the Challenges explained in response to her study that drugs like Ritalin actually destroy the neural function in children's brains. As a result, children who have undergone treatment with Ritalin[5] will actually have a much more difficult time processing information and learning new things. This kind of defeats the purpose of getting children to sit still in school while placed in a zombified state.

Brown further reported that Ritalin is responsible for the development of a permanent tic in the face, neck, and head of many of the children who have taken or are taking it. Ironically, Ritalin is responsible for causing far more serious neurological damage than the problems it is alleged to treat. Meta analyses studies over the years have revealed that while drugs like Ritalin visibly place children into a trance like state, these drugs destroy the vulnerable, delicate and developing nervous systems which can and does permanently cripple their ability to function as normal human beings.

On his deathbed, the "father" of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg, admitted that the disorder was a fraud that sets up children for life-long risks of drug addiction and failure.


Any society that would tolerate its power elite abusing children to the degree that we see here, does not deserve to maintain its power of over the people. I have a newsflash for all parents. Big Pharma and their servants in the DEA and FDA do not own your children. When these soulless bastards tie school attendance to vaccine compliance, home school your children. When they outlaw home schooling as they have in Germany, be willing to engage in civil disobedience and go to jail. When they come for your children to inject them with these poisons, it is time to take to the streets. Enough is enough America!

Read more at: Thecommonsenseshow.com







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