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Deny, attack and LIE... Big Food manufacturers panic as Health Ranger reveals mass toxins in wide range of products in new Food Forensics book

Food Forensics

(NaturalNews) Anticipation is "off the chain" right now, as Mike Adams' Food Forensics book is the number one best-selling science book on Amazon – and this is during the pre-sale period.

"Don't tell anyone!" the food makers scream, when it's revealed that shocking levels of heavy metal toxins contaminate their big money makers. "Cha-ching" sounds more like "ka-blam" as mass profits are threatened when these hidden poisons are revealed: carcinogens and industrial pollutants found in raw food materials that cause cancer and brain damage in humans.

"You're blacklisted!" they exclaim, as food manufacturers ban the Health Ranger from purchasing their products for further testing, showing the great fear they have of the public finding out what these food manufacturers, distributors and sellers already know: that their products are slow-killing Americans, while raking in that cold, crisp cash.

"It's of no concern!" they cry, contending that the FDA and USDA don't even test for heavy metal toxins in foods, including organic foods.

"They're naturally occurring!" they argue, as they lie through their teeth about the chemical contaminants in their food products imported from China and Southeast Asia – including high levels of lead, aluminum, arsenic, tungsten and cadmium.

Who really cares about strokes, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, right? American MDs will simply prescribe more chemicals to cover up the symptoms, as they've done for 75 years, and blame anything but the food. Oh, but now, now the truth comes out, and it's unveiled like never before. Who on this earth would love a new, permanent transparency regarding the ingredients in all food and all medicine? Who would love to get this invaluable information from a scientist and journalist who is not bought by corporate money and whose laboratory results cannot be influenced by Big Food or Big Pharma?

This July, the TRUTH comes out in best-selling book that can't be denied, controlled, or manipulated by shills of Biotech or Big Pharma

In the pursuit of valid, in-depth and reliable research into food forensics, Mike Adams oversaw the construction of a high-tech ICP-MS laboratory in central Texas that gives him the unique ability to detect heavy metal toxins in foods, even at super low concentrations (parts per million and parts per billion), which still damage the human body and mind. Though many Americans live in complete denial about food toxins being a major source of their health ills, hundreds of thousands of us know they're the culprit.

If you thought it was enough to just buy organic and non-GMO, and to avoid gluten, aspartame and MSG, you were just skimming the surface. If you thought your cheap counter-top water filter was enough to remove the lead from your tap water for safe drinking, think again. If you believed there were just a few minor ingredients in flu shots that "might" cause health detriment, you'll be blown away; the massive concentrations of deadly mercury and aluminum will literally blow your mind!

For years, biotech and pharma shills and hucksters who push poisons on the unsuspecting public have criticized Natural News and the Health Ranger for spreading the truth, saying he's not a scientist, he's not a doctor, he's not a biologist or a chemist ... etc. etc. Surprise! The Health Ranger's food science laboratory was just awarded the highest standard of international accreditation: ISO 17025. That's right; after two years of lab extensive quality control development and total compliance, the CWC (Consumer Wellness Center) lab team and the Health Ranger have mastered high-end analytical instrumentation and achieved what nobody expected, all in less than three years. The lab equipment has been calibrated by expert chemists and instrumentation engineers.

Now, all the critics, liars and toxic food and toxic medicine pushers will have nothing to say. Their "peer-reviewed" lies will wash to the wayside, while real research that is highly beneficial to the American consumer will be published for all to see, so everyone can identify food toxins that are really present in all kinds of foods, including junk foods, fast foods, superfoods, vitamins, herbal supplements and more.

Plus, the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, is testing influenza vaccines and tap water samples from across the country! He's found shocking amounts of cadmium in popular vegan products, toxic lead at high concentrations in popular ginkgo herbs grown in China, alarming amounts of dangerous tungsten in superfoods imported from Southeast Asia, and mind-numbing levels of lead in mangosteen superfood powders imported from Thailand. How much lead is in your favorite cacao powder? How much cadmium is in your multi-vitamin supplement? Next month, you will know. Adams even tests all the raw materials used for the organic foods manufactured and sold via the Natural News Store. CWC labs has discovered toxins in pet treats that could kill your "best friend," and your veterinarian would have had no clue.

Ready to know just how much arsenic is in that chicken sandwich patty? Prepared to see the results exposing high levels of Bisphenol A (BPA) in your bottled water or canned veggies? The FDA, CDC and USDA should be doing this testing, but they simply do not! This is just the first book the Health Ranger will publish, as his publisher has already guaranteed more forthcoming, since Food Forensics is already a best-seller for science books on Amazon, just during the pre-sale period.

The 75-year reign of obfuscation, denial and propaganda is quickly drawing to a close. Since World War II, American food, water and medicine has been polluted with toxins that cause all the preventable diseases you can name, and nobody has known exactly what to do about it. Get ready for the truth – and it costs less than half a tank of gas!

View the trailer to the new book that's available for pre-sale now, right here.

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