(NaturalNews) To: Karmanos Cancer Center
4100 John R
Detroit, MI 48201
CC: Michigan Board of Medicine, Bureau of Professional Licensing
PO Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909-8170
and the Michigan Enforcement Division
CC: Michigan State Attorney General Bill Schuette
Cadillac Place, 10th Floor
3030 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200
Detroit, MI 48202
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Detroit office
Special Agent in Charge David P. Gelios
477 Michigan Ave., 26th Floor
Detroit, MI 48226
As we all know, Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor conducting business through the Karmanos Cancer Center group, recently pleaded guilty to medical fraud after falsely diagnosing patients with cancer so he could financially benefit from "treating" them with toxic chemotherapy. He was charged and prosecuted by the U.S. federal government and sentenced to 45 years in prison. Those who were harmed by him will suffer a lifetime of heart damage, brain damage, kidney damage and immune system suppression due to his medical fraud and criminal intent.
His arrest and prosecution only came after a lone whistleblower named Soe Maunglay finally alerted law enforcement officials to his deadly practices (https://
www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2015/06/16/e...). Without this whistleblower, the hospital would have likely never sounded the alarm on this
criminal doctor.
We have a rational, evidence-based reason to believe that Dr. Fata was only one of several criminal fraudsters who continue to place the public in harm's way through one or more combinations of medical negligence, criminal fraud or medical malpractice. We believe there exists, within the Karmanos group in Detroit, a systemic, deliberate and ongoing criminal
cancer treatment operation that is defrauding the federal government out of tens of millions of dollars at the expense of human health and life. We furthermore believe that individuals within the Karmanos group are engaged in criminal racketeering behavior in order to cover up these crimes, to stonewall law enforcement, and to prevent any further arrests and prosecutions for fraud.
We have uncovered information that may contribute to this investigation, and our team of journalistic investigators are continuing to uncover additional details with each passing day. Each of us is willing to go on the record and offer sworn testimony to support our assertions and findings, and to be interviewed on the record by law enforcement to support what we know.
As stated in this Detroit Free Press article (
http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michig...), there are more co-conspirators of the cancer fraud yet to be named:
"The whistle-blower who helped crack the criminal case against Farid Fata has settled his lawsuit against the former oncologist for about $1.7 million, but the case is far from over, with new
allegations surfacing. Attorney David Haron, who represents former Fata employee George Karadsheh in the whistle-blower lawsuit, confirmed to the Free Press Monday that an amended complaint was filed in late December with allegations against new, unnamed defendants. The allegations and names of the new defendants will remain sealed for the next several months, according to federal court documents, while the U.S. Attorney's Office investigates the claims."
We, the editors and investigators of NaturalNews.com, are multiple award-winning investigative journalists and forensic laboratory analysis experts. Our editor, Mike Adams is the lab science director of the Consumer Wellness Center Labs, which was recently awarded a certificate for "superior quality" in analytical excellence, out of 323 total labs participating in the study (
https://www.naturalnews.com/053735_CWC_Labs_H...). He has won three journalism awards: Human Rights Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Excellence in Health Journalism Award. He is also the author of "Food Forensics" (FoodForensics.com) and has a long history of working side by side with local law enforcement. In our investigation of the Detroit area criminal cancer operations that prey upon African-American patients, we have uncovered what we believe is a much larger, ongoing cancer fraud operation involving incompetent or deranged physicians and personnel at Karmanos.
We also believe this operation continues to cause severe harm -- and even death -- to Karmanos cancer patients who may be victimized by this operation. We are officially requesting Karmanos open an internal investigation into these allegations and conduct that investigation with full public transparency. We are furthermore requesting that Karmanos answer the allegations contained in this document and go on the record with its position on these matters.
Based on what we know so far from our independent investigations and sources, we have a rational basis and multi-point reasonable suspicion to believe that all the following allegations may be true, and that they warrant further investigation by Karmanos and law enforcement:
* That the Karmanos medical group has deliberately protected the activities of criminal cancer fraudsters who generated revenues for Karmanos. That Karmanos has a financial motive to engage in a deliberate cover-up that prevents the truth about its revenue-generating operations from becoming publicly known. That this cover-up continues to this day, to the detriment of Karmanos patients who are being harmed by medically justified cancer treatment interventions.
* That Karmanos is currently harboring other doctors and medical decision makers who, like Dr. Fata, also place the safety of the public at serious risk in order to generate revenues for themselves and for Karmanos.
* That
Dr. David Gorski, colleague of Dr. Fata and active cancer surgeon at Karmanos, blogger at "science blogs" and author of "Science Based Medicine," demonstrates a consistent pattern of pathological deception and intense hatred toward others, which is irreconcilable with the professional demeanor of a clear-headed physician working in the interests of patients.
* That Dr. Gorski demonstrates the kind of pathological behavior that is in many ways consistent with a criminal mind or "mad scientist" engaged in unethical and possibly illegal activities that place the safety of the public at risk.
* That the pathological denials of mass harm carried out by Dr. Farid Fata reflect a similar pattern of denialism and deception routinely exhibited by Dr.
David Gorski.
* That Dr. David Gorski knew important details about the criminal activities of Dr. Farid Fata but failed to alert officials. That he may have contributed to the criminal cover-up that caused harm to large numbers of patients. What did he know and when did he know it?
* That Dr. David Gorski is "psychologically unfit to practice medicine" yet continues to operate inside the Karmanos group as a licensed cancer surgeon, placing the health and safety of Karmanos patients at risk.
* That Dr. David Gorski sought to hide his identity behind an alter ego named "ORAC" so that he could engage in outrageous, written intimidation attacks against reasoned critics of the cancer and vaccine industries, while distancing his professional activities as a cancer surgeon from the nefarious and possibly illegal racketeering activities of his alter-ego ORAC. (See below.)
* That Dr. David Gorski masterminded a coordinated science fraud scheme to distort the outcomes of an online vaccine epidemiological survey known as VANVCD.org in order to suppress statistical evidence of adverse events among vaccinated children. That he encouraged or inspired his fanatical followers to commit cyber crimes in the carrying out of the scheme which was ultimately designed to deceive the public by vandalizing scientific evidence and damaging the integrity of an epidemiological study which could have helped protect children from harm.
* That Dr. David Gorski is engaged in criminal racketeering to commit fraud by publicly and repeatedly misrepresenting facts about cancer treatment risks and vaccine risks in order to financially benefit himself through cancer treatment revenues, and by deceptively posing as alternate identities on Wikipedia and through other online publishing venues, through which he quotes himself as an expert on such topics, deceiving readers into believing he was cited by a third party writer.
* That Karmanos allows Dr. Gorski to engage in "science blog" activities while treating patients at Karmanos, distracting from his professional and ethical obligation to treat patients, with potentially tragic results. Patient reviews of Dr. Gorski posted online refer to him as an "egomaniac" "garbage doctor" "horribly arrogant and extremely unprofessional" and even "I got the impression that he's rather I shoot myself than to interrupt his busy day of blogging."
* That Karmanos has established a pattern of medical negligence in repeatedly ignoring the evidence of criminal fraud and patient harm taking place inside Karmanos properties, and that Dr. David Gorski's behavior largely fits that same pattern of dangerous, pathological denialism which Dr. Farid Fata exhibited before being arrested and prosecuted for criminal cancer fraud.
* That any unwillingness to urgently investigate these matters and halt the patient interactions of Dr. David Gorski PLACES THE LIVES OF CANCER PATIENTS IN HARM'S WAY and may lead to unnecessary loss of life under Karmanos, a group already tied to the cancer industry's most notorious serial medical fraudster Dr. Farid Fata.
* That Karmanos places itself at grave financial and legal risk by failing to urgently and comprehensively address these systemic risks to patient safety and medical malpractice, even when they are brought to the attention of Karmanos through independent journalistic investigations from unrelated third parties.
* That the pathological behavior of Dr. David Gorski openly violates the American Medical Association Code of Ethics as well as expectations of professional behavior for a physician under Michigan state regulatory laws, and that Karmanos' refusal to fire Gorski is supporting evidence of Karmanos' intent to cover up for the very kind of mentally deranged physicians capable of carrying out large scale fraud and criminal activities on Karmanos property.
* That Dr. David Gorski wields his position of authority at Karmanos (and his Wikipedia admin privileges) to maliciously defame and attack notable journalists and investigators who investigate the details of Dr. Gorski, Karmanos and Dr. Fata. That Dr. Gorski is essentially engaged in "internet terrorism" in the encouragement of scientific fraud of online studies, the intimidation of independent journalists and repeated threatening behavior against his targeted enemies... all conducted in part from his computer located on Karmanos property, apparently with the knowledge and consent of Karmanos.
WE ARE HEREBY REQUESTING that, in the interests of public safety, Dr. David Gorski be immediately and exhaustively investigated regarding each of the reason-based allegations listed above.
We further advise that it may be extremely revealing to involve local law enforcement in this investigation, whereby they may obtain a warrant to search Dr. David Gorski's computer, email accounts and internet access records to obtain additional details of his involvement in these matters. We, the investigators and editors of Natural News, have reasonable suspicion to believe that such a search would turn up damning evidence against Dr. Gorski that would strongly support his indictment and criminal prosecution, following in the footsteps of his colleague Dr. Farid Fata. We will share the basis for this suspicion under oath when providing testimony to law enforcement.
In the interests of public safety, we are willing to share our investigative records with Detroit law enforcement detectives as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation in this matter. We are the best-connected source for information inside the holistic health community, with dozens of high-level contacts with people who tell us they believe they have been directly threatened, intimidated, victimized or defamed by Dr. David Gorski who is widely believed to be operating a criminal cancer cartel in what they describe as a "racketeering" operation. We are able to share all such details with law enforcement and to go on the record with sworn testimony in support of these allegations. Numerous sources who have provided us with such details have also confirmed with Natural News that they, too, are willing to go on the record with sworn testimony against Dr. David Gorski.
PLEASE NOTE that Natural News has long been the subject of extreme, pathological hatred and aggression from Dr. David Gorski, but that we dismissed such attacks as irrelevant until the recent revelations of Dr. Fata began to surface, and we became aware of the mass death and suffering that was caused by Dr. Fata working inside the Karmanos facility where Dr. Gorski operates. Now, we believe Dr. David Gorski is not merely a sociopathic physician obsessed with pathological fanaticism and hatred, but we have reasonable suspicion to believe that he places cancer patients in Detroit in dire risk of harm and possibly death. It is in the interests of public safety that we bring these matters to your attention.
It is important to note that in his attempt to misdirect investigators, Dr. David Gorski will immediately engage in spreading lies and disinformation about Natural News and its editors and investigators. Specifically, Dr. Gorski will likely claim that Mike Adams has a criminal record. This statement is blatantly false, and people like Dr. Gorski have deliberately conflated the Mike Adams of Natural News with other individuals named Mike Adams who do have criminal records. The Mike Adams of Natural News has zero criminal record, has been awarded a citizens' award by the Chief of Police of Tucson, Arizona, is licensed as a concealed carry holder in four states, served two years as a board member of the Tucson Police Foundation and has never even had a speeding ticket. Adams' will provide his personal identity details to appropriate law enforcement to confirm his true identity and his outstanding record as a responsible citizen with no criminal record whatsoever.
As to be expected from pathological minds, Dr. David Gorski will stop at nothing to attempt to mislead investigators in this matter.
THIS LIST OF ALLEGATIONS is being published at NaturalNews.com. A copy is being forwarded to the Michigan Attorney General and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Detroit office, Special Agent in Charge David P. Gelios, as well as other relevant parties.
Please note that Natural News has no financial motive or anything to materially gain from filing this complaint and raising these allegations. Our primary motivation is to protect the citizens of Detroit from what we believe is a criminal racket involving a literal conspiracy of criminal-minded cancer doctors operating under the Karmanos umbrella. The allegations contained in this document are based on reasonable suspicion derived from our good faith investigations into the Karmanos / Fata / Gorski operations... investigations which are ongoing and are likely to turn up additional findings.
Because we are not law enforcement, we are not able to conduct the warrant-based searches and law enforcement interviews necessary to ultimately acquire sufficient evidence to achieve convictions for any crimes which may be taking place. Yet we are asserting these allegations based on good faith, in the interests of preventing another Dr. Farid Fata medical nightmare from unfolding under the Karmanos umbrella, and with full disclosure of all evidence that we will offer in sworn testimony. Notably, we are also likely to be threatened with legal action by Dr. Gorski, who will almost certainly attempt to silence us, intimidate us or possibly even attempt to cause us personal harm through a variety of nefarious and criminal means that are consistent with his verbal attacks and pathological personality. We are taking prudent steps to protect our legal rights under the First Amendment and to protect our persons from physical harm through all legal means available to us under established law. We furthermore note, on the record, that if any harm comes to any Natural News investigators or editors, we urge law enforcement to immediately investigate Dr. Gorski and Karmanos-linked individuals as having clear motive.
It is our sincere belief that Dr. Farid Fata's criminal behavior caused severe damage to the citizens of Detroit. Our hope in going public with these allegations is to prevent any further loss of life among the good citizens of Detroit, who deserve honest, safe and compassionate health care services rendered by sane, competent physicians who operate within professional standards of care.
- The editorial staff of NaturalNews.com and Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (HealthRanger.com) editor of NaturalNews.com, author of Food Forensics (FoodForensics.com), creator of SCIENCE.NaturalNews.com, lab science director of CWClabs.com, executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (ConsumerWellness.org) and award-winning journalist (Human Rights Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Excellence in Health Journalism Award)