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Same national media that freaked out over lead poisoning in Flint, remains totally silent on nationwide mercury poisoning through vaccines


(NaturalNews) Double standards are prevalent in American society, and are constantly being projected through the mainstream media. Recognizing these double standards is easy when you follow the money and understand the industries that influence and control the media.

In Flint, Michigan, lead levels in the municipal water supply were dangerously high. Nothing was done about this serious public health crisis for over a year. Lead poisons the brain and is toxic to the entire body, leading to bone disease and cancer. The mainstream media has thankfully been covering the lead crisis in Flint extensively, but the media's concerns for poisoned children stop in Flint, Michigan. To this day, the mainstream media completely ignores the deliberate mercury poisoning taking place in the field of medicine.

Mercury level of flu vaccine published, but where is the media coverage denouncing mercury poisoning of children?

In 2014, a scientist working for the public interest tested mercury levels of a flu vaccine produced by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. Using advanced mass spectrometry technology, Mike Adams the Health Ranger found that the Flulaval vaccines contained upwards of 51 parts per million of mercury, or 25,000 times the legal maximum for drinking water established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This is an unprecedented level of mercury being injected directly into people and developing children all over the planet. Has the mainstream media scrambled to cover the story of pervasive mercury poising, like they covered the story of lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan? The answer is a resounding NO, because the mainstream media is sponsored by the pharmaceutical giants who make multi-billions of dollars peddling toxic vaccines.

The government that warns pregnant women of the mercury in a can of tuna, is the same government that turns a blind eye toward the mercury being used in the flu vaccines they help promote.

Where is the incentive to clean up vaccines and help the population boost their inherent immunity to all pathogens through nutrition?

If public health policy is going to continue using vaccine methods to retrain the immune systems of millions of people, then shouldn't the vaccine industry at least be given an incentive to make these injections as safe as possible? Why is mercury still being used in medicine today?

There definitely needs to be more informed consent. The more we leave consumers in the dark, the more they will blindly accept what they are told. If more people really understood what mercury can do to the body, then more people would demand safer vaccines, or begin looking into empowering their inherent immune systems using nutrition. The demand for greater access to living, whole foods would grow, and people would work to strengthen their immune systems for protection against all pathogens. The vaccine industry would hate that.

Furthermore, is it safe to use vaccines that use aluminum as an adjuvant to stimulate the body's response to single viruses and bacteria strains? What about the traces of cancer causing formaldehyde that are left as a contaminant in vaccines? What are the negative implications of using aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines?

Why isn't the media rushing to point out that millions of adults and developing children are being directly exposed to toxic mercury through vaccines?

Double standards in mainstream media expose their allegiance to the pharmaceutical industry

On the right side of the political spectrum, we hear a lot about the second amendment and the right to defend ourselves, but when it comes to having the right to know what's in vaccines and food products, (so that people can protect themselves from toxic chemicals, GMOs, heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides), the political right turn a blind eye.

On the left side of the political spectrum, we hear a lot about a woman's convenient, tax-funded right to access drugs and medical equipment to terminate the heartbeat of the fetus inside her body, but when it comes to her right to choose what chemicals and metals are injected into the newborn she decided to keep, she is rarely allowed informed consent, and in some places not given a choice about what is injected into her child's body. Hepatitis B vaccines are ridiculously pushed on newborns at birth without a mother's full consent and knowledge of what's in the vaccine or what the hell it's for. Flu vaccines, becoming more mandatory in hospital settings, are being pushed on pregnant women and children under age one.

It's obvious then: the double standards of the medical system and the mainstream media are there to serve the agendas of the powerful pharmaceutical industry, ultimately tearing away at the fabric of American life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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