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Award-winning naturopath Dr. Tori Hudson teaches women how to ease the symptoms of menopause with herbs

Women''s health

(NaturalNews) One of the world's leading authorities on natural medicine is hosting this year's Natural Medicine Healing and Wellness Summit, which is available FREE online for registrants March 14 through 22.

Dr Michael Murray has authored several life-changing books on nutrition, as well as appearing on popular TV shows, including Dr. Oz, where he has exposed the flaws in conventional medicine, highlighting their failure to treat the root cause of disease, instead prescribing drugs that simply mask the problem.

Dr. Murray wholeheartedly believes in the power of natural healing, and has spent the last three decades compiling research using original scientific studies that document the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet via herbs, vitamins, minerals and other natural measures proven to promote good health.

Learn how to slow the aging process at the Natural Medicine Summit

Joining Dr. Murray at the Natural Medicine Summit are 30 other creative and gifted experts in the field of natural health, who will shed light on a variety of topics, including weight loss, tips for aging gracefully and looking and feeling younger, as well as information about how to reverse chronic disease.

The overall goal of the Natural Medicine Summit is to educate individuals so that they may lead a happier and healthier life.

Online summits dedicated to natural health are an excellent source of information, whether you already have a knowledge base of holistic living or are just now starting out. Regardless, the Natural Medicine Summit offers something for everyone.

Included in the lineup is Naturopathic Physician Dr. Tori Hudson, who has practiced medicine for more than 30 years, and is the Medical Director at her clinic, "A Woman's Time," which is based in Portland, Oregon.

Dr. Hudson is also the Program Director of the Institute of Women's Health and Integrative Medicine, and Adjunct Clinical Professor at Bastyr University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, and Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Clearly, her credentials are quite impressive in the field of women's health. In 1990, Dr. Hudson received the President's Award from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, for her research in women's healthcare.

Dr. Hudson is a nationally recognized speaker, author, educator, clinician and researcher, with expertise in gynecology, endocrinology and primary care for women.

Her presentation at the Natural Medicine Summit, entitled "Natural Solutions for Menopause," will offer virtual attendees an overview of menopause and peri-menopause, which is about the time when hormonal changes begin to occur.image

Cinnamon and curcumin can help ease symptoms of PMS

Dr. Hudson will discuss herbal and nutritional options that are beneficial for treating the common symptoms of menopause, as well as offer treatment solutions based on common symptom experiences.

Curcumin – one of the main compounds in turmeric – and cinnamon are just a few herbs that can help lessen menstrual cramps and other symptoms of PMS, explains Dr. Hudson. To learn more about applying naturopathic medicine to women's health, sign up for the Natural Medicine Summit today!

Once again, it's available FREE online March 14 through 22. Those who sign up today, will get instant access to information from Dr. Trevor Cates, a natural skin care expert who holds the honorary title of being the first women licensed as a naturopathic doctor in California.

You'll also receive instant access to an expert talk by Dr. Murray, who will share with you what he believes are the top five superfoods you should be eating every single day, due to their ability to keep you healthy, as well as slow the aging process.

We look forward to seeing you there!






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