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Marijuana use could prevent weight gain, study shows

Medical marijuana

(NaturalNews) While it's not unusual for marijuana users to engage in food binges during or after smoking, a new study has surfaced showing that such behaviors don't negatively impact their waistlines. One might think that marijuana users would be obese due to all the food consumption they're said to indulge in, however, researchers from the Conference of Quebec University Health Centers have reason to suggest that it's not necessarily true.(1)

The experts studied over 700 adults aged between 18 and 74, based on a Nunavik Inuit Health Survey, and found that, compared to people who didn't smoke marijuana, the marijuana smokers had lower body mass index (BMI) scores (26.8 versus 28.6, respectively). It was noted that those with the lowest BMI scores were marijuana users who hadn't previously tried or quit tobacco, which may or may not play a role in the outcomes. Furthermore, they also discovered that those who smoked pot had a reduced risk of developing diabetes, exhibiting lower fasting insulin and insulin resistance.(2)

The study, titled "Cannabis use in relation to obesity and insulin resistance in the inuit population," was published in the journal Obesity. With a goal "To ascertain the relationship between cannabis use, obesity, and insulin resistance," the study abstract concludes that "Cannabis use was associated with lower BMI, and such an association did not occur through the glucose metabolic process or related inflammatory markers."(3)

Not the first time marijuana use shown to have multiple benefits

According to the researchers, "These associations were attenuated among those who reported using marijuana at least once but not in the past 30 days, suggesting that the impact of marijuana use on insulin and insulin resistance exists during periods of recent use."(1)

This isn't the first time that marijuana use has been linked with positive health results; in 2013, a study published in the American Journal of Medicine outlined that people who smoked marijuana had lower insulin levels than those who didn't, but only if they did so during the past month. As for weight, study participants were found to have smaller waist measurements than those who did not smoke marijuana.(1)

In addition to the weight control and diabetes prevention and management that these studies suggest, marijuana use has been associated with a range of other positive health outcomes. For example, THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the main ingredient in marijuana, has long-been linked to reducing pain and improving conditions for patients experiencing certain ailments. From helping with glaucoma and providing asthma relief, to controlling muscle spasms brought on by multiple sclerosis, and possibly improving the health of AIDS patients, medical marijuana has been found to have a multitude of health benefits.(3)

Despite ability to improve health, marijuana use debate rages on

Unfortunately for many, the topic of marijuana is often the center of debate. While some states have legalized its use for both recreational and medical reasons, others have yet to do so. Some people maintain that it's not necessary and likely to bring about detrimental drug habits and cause disruptive behaviors, while others say it's harmless and crucial for their mental and physical health. Many areas also grapple with legislation issues, often attempting to come down hard on growers and dispensaries, while placing limits on use.

At times, the fight seems to be nothing more than an uphill battle. During a recent senate hearing in Michigan, for example, a veteran plagued with post-traumatic stress disorder urged the panel to vote "no" on a bill that would greatly jeopardize medical marijuana use. For people like him, who live with severe bouts of anxiety, stress and sadness after having seen wartime horrors, medical marijuana is essential and something he credits for saving his life. Sadly, however, when he presented his story during the hearing, he was kicked out after state Senator Rick Jones expressed concern over the veteran's brief display of name calling (it should be pointed out that Jones once called a public relations professional "a hooker" in an email).(4)

Debates surrounding this topic will undoubtedly rage on. In the midst of it all, it's important to remain informed and make your opinions on the matter clear by attending local meetings, writing to legislature or even expressing your views by signing petitions. Of course, always be on the lookout for Natural News articles, where you'll find a bevy of information on this issue.

Sources for this article include:

(1) IBTimes.com

(2) OnlineLibrary.Wiley.com

(3) NaturalNews.com

(4) NaturalNews.com

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