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Leftist hate group publishes 'hit list' of women who protest religious violence


(NaturalNews) The progressive Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has a long history of bashing conservatism and conservative icons while embracing far left wing policies, so the organization's criticism of "right wing extremism" should be taken as inherently self-serving. After all, the group survives on donations and nothing feeds into donors' hearts and minds like hate for the "other side."

One of the primary purveyors of leftist hate is Mark Potok, who has been a fixture at the SPLC for decades. His "reporting" on "hate groups" is little more than political posturing because his "research" is limited to organizations that are "right-wing."

But all's fair in love and politics - right?

Not really. Some things are over the top, regardless of what your political ideology, and as it has so often in the past, the SPLC's hate-mongers have once again outdone themselves.

Potok, along with co-author Janet Smith, have devised a "hit list" of American conservative women who they paint with broad brushes in claiming that somehow by being politically active and not leftists, they are dangerous to the country.

No left-wing extremism - it only exists on the right

Couching their characterizations in "anti-Muslim" sentiment, the two wrote:

The radical right, and more broadly the political right, has generally been dominated by men. And there are certainly plenty of men in the world of Muslim-bashing activism - men like Robert Spencer, Geller's partner; David Yerushalmi, who has led the charge against an imaginary plot to impose Shariah religious law in the United States; and a crew of terrorism "experts" who see Islam as the enemy.

But the universe of American anti-Muslim activists is peculiarly dominated by women. They are a mixed bag of bloggers, politicos, authors, TV personalities, radio talk show hosts, and leaders of anti-Muslim organizations. Many of them have other windmills to tilt at, from gay rights to communism to President Obama, but most have increasingly focused on attacking Muslims.

It's as if Potok, Smith and the SPLC in general are completely oblivious to the radicalized Islamic movement engulfing the Middle East and some European countries, swatting at anyone who dares to point out the obvious - even if they are women.

Included on their "list" are:

-- Attorney, author and conservative personality Ann Coulter;

-- Texas Eagle Forum director Cathy Adams;

-- Former commodities broker and current blogger Ann Barnhardt;

-- ACT! For America founder Brigitte Gabriel;

-- Co-founder of American Freedom Defense Initiative Pamela Geller;

-- Retired police officer and founder of the Daily Roll Call blog, Cathy Hinners;

-- Attorney, ABC News contributor and talk radio host Laura Ingraham;

-- Former CIA operative and current senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy Clare Lopez;

-- Former prosecutor, judge and current Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro;

-- Former president of the Concerned Women for America and current American Family Association talk show host Sandy Rios;

-- Attorney, columnist and blogger Debbie Schlussel;

-- Author and columnist Diana West.

The list was originally published in the SPLC's quarterly magazine Intelligence Report, which is sent to law enforcement entities around the country and which the authors readily admit in the credits following the report it is a "preeminent periodical monitoring the radical right" - as if having a political belief other than theirs, again, is somehow inherently dangerous to the country, and that there is no such thing as "left-wing extremism," despite the fact that the latter has been readily on display, via the courts and the Obama administration.

'Who make them experts on hate?'

As for the list itself imagine, if you will, a conservative organization compiling a "hit list" of liberal, Democrat-leaning women. The outrage via the mainstream media, the mainstream entertainment world and the pop culture would be quick and sustained.

No such standards apply to the Mark Potoks and SPLCs of the world, however.

Some of the list members, however, either brushed off their inclusion or wore it as a badge of honor.

"It's an honor just to be nominated for the SPLC's list of conservative women who speak out against radical Islam!" Coulter told WND.

"I certainly didn't expect something like that, but I'm very proud," Hinners said. "I think the other 11 women are certainly professional and well established. I look at them as patriots and warriors."

"I think the SPLC list isn't as important as they'd like it to be," Adams told WND. "It surprises me that they'd choose me - so far down the list of others doing much more to sound the alarm against radicals."

Geller was even more pointed.

"Who appointed the SPLC the judge of what is a hate group and what isn't? Its listing about me is made up of one lie after another, and that is no surprise," she told WND.




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