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Democratic congresswoman claims global warming will force American women into prostitution

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(NaturalNews) Climate change hoaxers will says just about anything to push the nonsensical and unproven theory that the activities of industrialized mankind are pushing the earth to its warming limits.

Now, one senior House Democrat has even insisted that unless something is done to mitigate this phony problem, women the world over will have to sell their bodies for sex just to eat, as in, prostitution. But she doesn't call it that.

Rep. Barbara Lee of California, in stating that so-called "climate change" will hit women harder than men, went on to to claim that it will cause women to engage in "transactional sex" to provide food and water for their families.

Well, we can't have that, so earlier this month she proposed a resolution saying that as the climate continues to "change," it will cause food and water scarcity around the world, which will then create undue pressures primarily on poor women, since they are the ones most often tasked with growing food and collecting water for families, The Blaze reported.

The resolution actually states that, as resources diminish, women - well, poor women - will have to trade sex favors for food and water.

Must have been a slow week in Congress.

"Empower us, but defend us"

"[F]ood insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health," the resolution reads.

The resolution concludes saying Congress has to recognize the "disparate impacts of climate change on women," and as such should encourage the use of "gender-sensitive frameworks in developing policies to address climate change" - even though it isn't even real and as such, most Americans couldn't care less about it as an "issue."

The Democrat introduced a similar resolution in the previous Congress but thankfully it tanked and went nowhere. In 2013 she said her resolution is meant to remind lawmakers and bureaucratic policymakers (same thing these days in our post-Constitutional society) that they'd better start including women in more discussions regarding how best to respond to "climate change."

What happened to the Democrats' "feminism" movement, where once upon a time they screamed for empowerment of women instead of begging others to protect them? And what's this nonsense that "food insecurity" will hit women harder? Do women require more to eat than men?

Politicizing an issue that can't be proven scientifically

If there is a resolution - actually, a piece of legislation - that should be introduced and passed, it is one that dramatically cuts taxpayer funding to the "Church of Global Warming", as noted by columnist John Hayward at Breitbart News, since the science cannot now be, and never has been, "settled" on this issue:

The climate-change cult is a full-on witch hunt now, and very little else. Bereft of any actual climate change, desperately seeking to avoid tough questions about why none of its sacred computer models has borne even the slightest resemblance to reality, forced to watch its every attempt to grab a headline debunked within hours, and facing new studies that might deal a death blow to its core beliefs regarding "greenhouse gas," the Church of Global Warming can do nothing except attack its critics as heretics - or "deniers," to use the term they haven't yet realized isn't scaring anyone.

How about we try this - empowering "women," and men as well, to become food secure by promoting the means for them to do so? Corporate food chains are not the only manner in which Americans - and everyone around the world - can feed themselves. Take the concept of Food Rising; with very little technology and water, and a collection of Grow Boxes, families can feed themselves, all year long.

The lack of scientific evidence proving "global warming" and "climate change" should have settled this issue long ago, but those interested in perpetuating the lie have politicized it for their own selfish interests. That's too bad, because it prevents discussion of, and support for, better solutions, like that that empower, rather than enslave, populations.





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