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The Nazis were huge supporters of abortion, calling it a "freedom of choice" issue for women

Planned Parenthood

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(NaturalNews) Most Americans would agree that the Nazi regime founded by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s was one of the most racist, ruthless and vile governments ever formed in the history of the planet. Unfortunately for backers of abortion – especially abortion on demand – they share a dark history with one of the world's most evil political movements.

In a well-documented post on the Angel Fire blog, the site notes that today's pro-abortion movement has claimed in the past that Hitler's Nazi regime was anti-abortion and anti-choice and that anyone who takes such positions is a Nazi.

The reality, however, is much different.

Abortions encouraged for "inferior" people

The Nazi regime was not pro-choice, nor was it anti-abortion by a long shot. Like everything else, Hitler's Nazis believed that "a woman's body" belonged not to her but to the German state, and as such the state would decide what to do with it.

While the Nazis would not permit abortions by healthy "Aryan" German women, they demanded and even forced abortion on non-Aryans considered inferior to the race such as Jewish women, gypsies, Slavic women and so forth. This also included Aryan women thought to be "feeble-minded" and those who had hereditary diseases. [1]

In fact, the Nazis did everything they could to increase the number of Aryan types. That included establishing "Liebensborn" ("Fountain of Life") compounds in which SS-type men would impregnate young Aryan German girls, including very young girls, to increase the number of "pure Ayrans" in the country. Abortion for these young girls was verboten.

Another Nazi tactic was forcing abortion on non-Ayran women in conquered nations to keep their populations down. Eventually this led to mass murder in concentration camps and by other means.

As for the health and vitality of the mother, Angel Fire noted:

The first court to rule that "viability" and the "woman's health" were determinate factors in abortion was the Nazi Heredity Court of 1934, when it ruled that "...pregnancy may be terminated, with the consent of the woman concerned, unless the foetus is already capable of independent life, or unless the termination of the pregnancy entails a serious danger to either the life or health of the woman herself." [2]

Who are the modern Nazis?

One of Hitler's top aides, Martin Bormann, said the following regarding abortion as it applied to non-Ayrans:

The Slavs are to work for us. Insofar as we do not need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German health service are superfluous. The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives or practice abortion, the more the better. Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to one hundred. At best an education which produces useful coolies for us is admissible. Every educated person is a future enemy. [3]

Consider how this kind of attitude and language applies to the purveyors of abortion – Planned Parenthood – in today's America.

This is an organization that can use the phrase "freedom of choice", which was coined by the Nazis [as noted in this tweet by Progressives Today, a far-left political organization]. This is the same organization that originated from a racist, eugenics movement focusing primarily on reducing the numbers of African Americans, Asians and ensuring the "feeble-minded" did not reproduce, and it's an organization that supports "research" by dismembering human fetuses in ways that would make Dr. Josef Mengele proud.

It's clear that the pro-life/anti-abortion crowd hasn't adopted the philosophy of Hitler's murderous Nazi regime. That would be the pro-abortion crowd.

Sources include:





[1] Rolston, Bill & Anna Eggert. (1994). "Abortion in the New Europe: A Comparative Handbook." Greenwood: Santa Barbara. P. 114.

[2] Burleigh, Michael & Wolfgang Wipperman. (1991). "The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945." Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. P. 141.

[3] Davidson, Eugene. (1966). "The Trial of the Germans: An Account of the Twenty-Two Defendants Before the International Military Tribunal." University of Missouri Press: Columbia. P. 101.

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