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Why Big Pharma hates legalized marijuana; painkillers, chemotherapy and psych drugs could be made obsolete


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(NaturalNews) When certain politicians and so-called health experts bellyache over the legalization of cannabis, it's not because they're worried about the children. It's because cannabis is arguably the safest and most widely effective natural medicinal herb in existence, and its widespread acceptance would immediately render obsolete the gamut of pharmaceuticals that make the establishment drug barons (and their bought-and-paid-for lackeys in Congress) filthy rich.

No longer would the general population need to rely on side effect-laden painkiller drugs, psych meds and other deadly pharmaceuticals for relief from their chronic ailments -- cannabis would replace all this and more, providing true healing to the masses for pennies on the dollar. Because cannabis is a plant that anyone can grow, it also threatens the centralized power structures that control modern medicine, not to mention the for-profit prison industry that banks on incarcerating non-violent drug offenders.

Law enforcement agencies, health care systems, drug and vaccine companies, and even the textile and materials industries all profit from cannabis prohibition -- this includes the prohibition of its non-psychoactive cousin hemp -- as this amazing plant has hundreds of valuable uses that haven't yet been fully realized due to its illegality. Here are just a few examples of how legalized cannabis would change our world for the better:

  1. The economic benefits of legal marijuana are well-established. If federal prohibition of pot was lifted, the national economy would benefit to the tune of billions of additional revenue dollars annually, providing more jobs for American citizens.

  2. The health benefits of legal marijuana are also well-established, with science showing that the cannabinoid compounds in cannabis are beneficial in treating pain, reducing cancer incidence and growth, quelling anxiety and treating symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among other uses.

Eye health, brain health, and cellular health: a wealth of benefits from cannabis consumption

Thanks to changing public opinion, cannabis is finally gaining the recognition it deserves. Cannabis is not a drug; it's a healing herb. And the drug industry is deathly afraid of this truth spreading and gaining hold, especially among the emerging generation that's growing increasingly skeptical of patented drugs and vaccines.

The following referenced studies illustrate how legal cannabis is changing the way people heal:

Cannabis helps treat glaucoma. This is one of the first known uses that legalization advocates cited back in the 1990s to advance medical marijuana policy in places like California. Research dating back to the early 1970s reveals that cannabis helps decrease intraocular pressure (IOP), prevent blindness and even reverse the progression of this debilitating disease.

Cannabis improves lung health. One study suggests that smoking marijuana (which isn't necessary the most therapeutic delivery route, by the way) can actually marginally increase lung function in some people.

Cannabis helps control seizures. The tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, in cannabis has been shown time and time again to help reduce or even eliminate the incidence of epileptic seizures, binding to and modulating the neural cells responsible for their occurrence.

Cannabis mitigates anxiety. Anti-anxiety drugs present a host of dangerous side effects that make their continued use highly questionable. These include hallucinations, aggression, delusional thinking, and even suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts. Cannabis is a safe alternative to this that helps to naturally reduce anxiety while improving mood.

Cancer cells hate cannabis. A non-psychoactive component of cannabis known as cannabidiol (CBD) was shown in a 2007 study out of the California Pacific Medical Center to inhibit the expression of a gene responsible for cancer cell proliferation. A number of related studies suggest similar benefits for lung, prostate, colon, breast, brain, and various other forms of cancer.

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