(NaturalNews) A publication that claims to be an "independent fact-checking" website published an article full of lies and contradictions when it said that no vaccines recommended for children have contained mercury since 1999.
The article also published lies about contacting
Natural News' Mike Adams for comment regarding his views on mercury in vaccines. In fact, no contact with Adams was ever made.
In February 2015, a time when vaccine propaganda reached its peak following the "Disneyland Measles Outbreak,"
PolitiFact Georgia falsely reported that "Adams declined to speak" with them about "his conclusions regarding mercury" and that he instead referred them to studies on
In truth, no contact was ever made with Adams, and he certainly did not "decline to speak" about mercury in vaccines.
Natural News is calling for not only a retraction, but an apology for the lies fabricated by PolitiFact. Please see this article's end for PolitiFact's contact information.PolitiFact violates journalistic code of ethics – which basically say – don't lie!The lies told by
PolitiFact GA are genuinely an outright assault on the American public, especially children. The report falsely claims that the MMR, chickenpox and polio vaccine never contained mercury, although they did (flu shots still do) and it has been
admitted by drug makers such as Merck & Co.
We here at
Natural News, as well as our readers, know this to be
completely false, as Adams tested vaccines, specifically the flu shot, for mercury last year using an Agilent 7700x ICP-MS instrument capable of detecting low
parts per billion concentrations of mercury.
He discovered
alarmingly high amounts of mercury in an influenza vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX), with levels reaching a shocking
51 parts per million – that's 25,000 times higher than the maximum containment level of inorganic mercury in drinking water
set by the EPA.

PolitiFact GA have a lab? Have they tested any vaccines for mercury? Not to our knowledge.
Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
admit (third paragraph from the top, second sentence) that flu vaccines produced in multi-dose vials (meaning they're administered to more than one person) contain thimerosal (a mercury derivative), which is used as a preservative.
PolitiFact: perfect example of a mercury denialistIn a separate article attacking Jim Carrey's views on vaccines,
PolitiFact GA made a true spectacle of themselves when they wrote:
The myth that "mercury" causes autism ranks up with the flat-earth as among the most debunked scientific theories in history.To put mercury in quotes here implies that there is no mercury, a typical assertion made by mercury deniers. The term "Mad Hatter" was
coined not from the popular Disney movie "Alice in Wonderland," but from the hat making industry in the 1800s, as hat makers used a mercury solution while turning fur into felt.
Poor ventilation in the workshops caused the hat makers to inhale the toxic fumes, resulting in symptoms that mimic the insane. This was an early example of mercury causing brain damage.
A word from the Health Ranger:PolitiFact is a leftist fiction-peddling website disguised as a fact-finding reference site. They have no laboratory and have never tested vaccines for mercury as I have done using advanced ICP-MS instrumentation, which confirmed mercury in flu shots at over 51 parts per million, more than 1,000 times the concentration of arsenic in California wine that recently set off waves of alarm in the media.
Furthermore, mercury-containing thimerosal is a listed ingredient on flu shot inserts, confirming that flu shots still contain mercury.If PolitiFact was actually interested in facts rather than promoting the interests of pharmaceutical corporations, its editors would conduct scientific testing on flu shots and see for themselves that they do, in fact, contain alarmingly high concentrations of mercury, a known neurotoxin.PolitiFact knows nothing about chemistry or biologyThe next attack on Adams asserts that he's confused about the difference between ethyl mercury and methyl mercury – truly, a laughable attempt.
PolitiFact GA's April Hunt writes:
Think of ethyl mercury like ethyl alcohol — easily expelled from the human body but dangerous in large quantities.This comparison is not only idiotic, but completely invalid as those who receive vaccines are INJECTING mercury ethyl, not DRINKING it like alcohol, which is processed in the digestive tract. The fallacy in their argument is that DRINKING it is the same as INJECTING it – a distinction even a second grader would understand.
Would the writers at
PolitiFact GA inject vodka? How about beer or bourbon? According to their reasoning, that would be perfectly safe.
This same publication also justifies the harvesting of dead babies for "science," as demonstrated in a piece listing eight facts you need to know about the "Planned Parenthood controversy" – No. 1 states, "It is illegal to sell fetal tissues. But donations are legal."
Once absorbed into cells, ethyl mercury is actually much more dangerous than other forms of mercuryGlobally recognized expert on mercury toxicity and mercury detoxification, Dr. Chris Shade, explained in an
interview with
Natural News that inorganic mercury (which includes ethyl mercury) is actually far
more dangerous at the cellular level as it kills much more quickly.
While ethyl mercury is similar to methyl mercury in that it can cross the blood brain barrier, studies show that forms of inorganic mercury take much, much longer to exit the brain. The longer mercury is trapped in the brain, the more damage it does.
Based on all of this information, including the lies told and the deliberate smearing of Mike's character by
PolitiFact GA's April Hunt,
Natural News is demanding not only an
immediate retraction, but an apology from PolitiFact.Lying in a report about contacting a source, and using that lie to smear one's character by insinuating that they refused to stand next to their views and opinions is unethical, reckless and irresponsible – and should not be tolerated.
Just as Rolling Stone was reprimanded for publishing false claims about an alleged "rape culture" within a University of Virginia fraternity, we expect
PolitiFact GA to be held to the same standard for the lies they told about vaccines and the defamation of Mike Adams's character.
The article's author
April Hunt can be reached at and the editor
Jim Denery at
You can Tweet them both at
@PolitiFactGAAdditional sources:naturalnews.comnaturalnews.comwater.epa.govcdc.govnaturalnews.comtwitter.comhttp://www.politifact.com
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