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Hillary Clinton causing climate change by flying around in a fuel-guzzling PRIVATE JET?

Hillary Clinton

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(NaturalNews) "Future generations will look back and wonder: What were we thinking? How could we possibly be so irresponsible?"

That's the voice of Hillary Clinton in a new video outlining her latest climate change platform. "I'm just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain, and I know what's happening in the world is going to have a big effect on my daughter and especially on my granddaughter," she says.

Clinton added, "You don't have to be a scientist to take on this urgent challenge that threatens us all; you just have to be willing to act."

Her rhetoric sounds good to environmentally-conscious voters and donors, but her words don't hold true to her actions. Most of the political cheerleaders with a climate change agenda are the very ones who are polluting the environment at the most appalling rate. In fact, after giving her most recent climate change speech in Iowa, Hillary Clinton was caught boarding a luxurious private jet that burns 347 gallons of leaded jet fuel per hour. It's hypocrisy at its finest!

To understand the accelerated damage Hillary Clinton is doing to the environment, one must compare the carbon emissions of a jet to the carbon consumption of the average American in a given year. According to the New York Times, a one-way flight from New York to San Francisco consumes about two to three tons of carbon dioxide per person on board. To put this in perspective, the average American uses about 19 tons of carbon dioxide during the entire year as they struggle to heat their home and keep gas in their vehicles.

Climate change agenda molds Americans into indentured servants while benefiting the elite class

If Hillary Clinton gets her way through new carbon taxes, she'll be able to fly around in private jets, polluting the world without limit while making it harder for average Americans to keep gas in their cars and their homes heated.

Hypocritically, one of Clinton's jet trips pumps out more carbon dioxide than the average American uses during an entire year. Maybe she should listen to the words of her own campaign.

"How could we possibly be so irresponsible?" her voice echoes, haunting her like a double edged sword. Is she really "willing to act" against climate change like she advertises, or is it all a political puppet show that molds the general population into indentured servants, while benefiting the elite class?

Sociopath on the loose

The more Hillary Clinton speaks out against global warming, the more she has a responsibility to lead by example, but she's far from being real with the American people. After her latest global warming speech in Iowa, the private French aircraft jetted her from Iowa to New Hampshire, leaving behind a noxious trail of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, fine particulate matter, and cancer-causing toxins such as lead, benzene, and formaldehyde.

With her climate change speech still ringing in the ears of her brain-dead supporters, the distinctive 19-seat Dassault Falcon 900B airplane careened into the clouds, leaving behind a trail of carbon emission hypocrisy.

As long as Clinton can haul in hundreds of thousands of dollars from bank executives, she can continue to fly around in private jets that cost $5,850 per hour to rent, while blowing tons of carbon emissions back into her supporters sheepish faces. (Her private jet was spotted in Vancouver, Canada where she received upwards of $500,000 from TD Bank.)

Clinton calls climate change "one of the most urgent threats of our time," but it's now clear that big government sociopaths flying around the world, manipulating people, and getting what they want are the greatest threat to human dignity and survival.




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