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Is WebMD 'killing you softly?' A closer look reveals an allopathic nightmare of symptom cover-up scams


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(NaturalNews) It is reported and documents reveal that WebMD received over $13 million to promote a government-run bureaucratic investment called Obamacare, as contracted by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The "initiative" provides information about the so-called benefits of the law, but definitely not the drawbacks, complications, failures and decimation of constitutional liberties, not to mention exhaustively expensive care when the slogan is "affordable" care.

WebMD was awarded the contract back in September of 2011. Part of the goal and task of WebMD was to create an "accurate perception" of the Affordable Care Act among consumers, but if the health care system really helped people heal, prevent disease and disorder, and was actually science-based with reliable research to back it, then you wouldn't have to spend millions of dollars having some mass media website convince Americans there's something worthy in there, somewhere. The focus of time, money and energy on "accurate perception" leaves a smoking gun that needs to be investigated thoroughly and independently. (http://freebeacon.com)

In America, "junk science" is paid for and promoted by law and government order

A wave of bogus studies has "descended" recently from the CDC, the FDA and the Institute of Medicine, Health and Human Services. Executive summaries have been handed down that do not accurately reflect the scientific research as shown in reports, and the end result is the "encyclopedia media" delivering twisted, distorted and unfound science propaganda that supports old myths, quack science and unfortunately, health detriment. These "executive summaries" are not scientific reports, and the language may confuse a layman, but not true scientists and researchers. This is where WebMD miserably fails and reveals themselves as an unreliable source of health information regarding natural health and health care itself. (http://www.washingtontimes.com)

WebMD assures Americans that dental amalgam mercury fillings are safe

Executive summaries provide an enormous avenue for quack science to distort facts and convince the public that all dangerous heavy metal toxins and carcinogens put in food, vaccines, flu shots and "silver" dental fillings are within "safe levels" for human consumption, but the facts reveal there is NO SAFE LEVEL for mercury in the human body, and research proves that the part of the brain critical for memory (called the hippocampus) accumulates mercury, as do the occipital lobes and the cerebellum, in even higher concentrations. There are NO SAFE LEVELS of mercury, not even in parts per billion, for a human being to consume or inject into the body. So, you were saying?

In fact, the cerebellum is often an area found damaged in children with autism. The mercury accumulates and causes loss of critical neurons. Why would WebMD leave out this information? Because mercury was known to be damaging to humans 75 years ago and it was covered up then. Dentists who used mercury were called quacks and that's where that term ironically originated. WebMD is paid millions to promote mercury (amalgam) dental fillings by a rogue government that enforces unlawful healthcare for profit all at the expense of the taxpayer - and it's enforced by the IRS. Did you know that critical parts of the brain have NO blood/brain barrier (BBB) protection from the likes of the neurotoxin mercury? And how much mercury is in a flu shot? Only 25,000 micrograms, which is a HUNDRED TIMES MORE than what people are worried about in their fish. What you don't know can maim or kill you.

Warning: Microwave ovens expand heavy metals like aluminum - releasing deadly mercury

Mercury vapor, when absorbed by the lining of the mouth, gets taken up by nerve filaments and travels along nerve axons to the ganglion and olfactory bulb underneath the brain. The mercury can also travel into the brain through nasal passages. Is there an "executive summary" on WebMD on this? When a person with amalgam fillings stands near a microwave oven while it's running, the metal alloys can expand and mercury can be released, causing jaw pain, headaches, and mercury poisoning that can "kill you softly." (http://www.naturalnews.com)

Maybe WebMD should be called QuackMD, to better suit this insidious agenda of forced healthcare that's really chronic care without preventative medicine. If allopathic America and the American Dental Association want any credibility, they need to take a close look at actual fact-based science and reevaluate how they "educate" the people who are being forced-fed healthcare.

Want to learn about safe composite fillings for you or your children's teeth? Don't look to QuackMD or the charlatans of allopathic America for answers. Look to research grounded in science-based education and learn the truth in layman's terms that everyone can understand, appreciate, and enjoy natural health all the while. (http://www.hugginsappliedhealing.com/dental-dangers.php)
















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