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California's toxic triple-play: Arsenic, fluoride and vaccines now inundate the population that Gov. Brown is trying to eliminate


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(NaturalNews) When Americans are traveling abroad, travel agents often advise them not to drink the local water because it could contain toxins, bacteria or other harmful elements due to less stringent purification standards.

But now, some Americans are being advised that they shouldn't drink water in their own country – in portions of California, particularly.

As reported by the Washington Post, tainted water is affecting California's poor the most; arsenic has been found in groundwater that feeds a community well at St. Anthony Trailer Park, which is 40 miles south of Palm Springs. There, residents are advising their kids and others of the dangers, yet many still don't heed the warnings and are consuming the tainted water nevertheless, including children.

The Post further reported:

In ordinary times, the concentration of naturally occurring arsenic is low, and the water safe to drink. But during California's unrelenting drought, as municipalities join farmers in sucking larger quantities of water from the ground, the concentration of arsenic is becoming more potent.

A recent laboratory test found that water in St. Anthony's shallow well has twice the concentration of arsenic considered safe.

Click here to search for "California depopulation" on GoodGopher.com.

'At some point, how many people can we accommodate?'

As many readers know, arsenic – naturally occurring or not – is no joke. The compound has been linked to a number of medical problems and conditions such as various cancers of the bladder, lungs and skin if it is consumed in higher doses. In addition, arsenic has been known to attack the nervous system and cause birth defects.

What's more, its levels can be dramatically increased near agricultural fields – which are of course plentiful in California – via the use of fertilizers and through animal waste runoff from farming operations.

Tie this into widespread fluoridation of California water – in 2007, the state added more fluoride to water in some districts, putting tens of thousands of children at risk – and Gov. Brown's desire to use the drought to depopulate the state - and it appears as though life is getting more dangerous in the most politically progressive state in the country.

In June we reported on comments made by Brown that if drought conditions did not reverse, it would become necessary to migrate millions out of California because remaining water stocks would not be sufficient to sustain the state's massive population of more than 38 million.

"At some point, how many people can we accommodate?" Brown said at a conference discussing the state's dwindling water supplies.

Brown, who is an avid believer in anthropogenic climate change, perhaps would side with those who believe that humans are the problem, and that the solution is to have fewer of them.

Some regions completely dry but that might play into Brown's hand

Meanwhile, as residents of his state try to subsist on less money and even less water, he doesn't seem phased by the fact that thousands are being exposed to harmful chemicals and compounds, as demonstrated by his – and the state legislature's – lack of foresight.

The Post further reported on the growing gap between the water haves and have-nots:

For many Californians, the state's long drought has meant small inconveniences such as shorter showers and restrictions on watering lawns. But in two rural valleys, the Coachella southeast of Los Angeles and the San Joaquin to the north, farmworkers and other poor residents are feeling its impact in a far more serious and personal way.

Already there are portions of the state that are completely dry, such as Tulare County, in the southern San Joaquin Valley. The region serves as a real-life example of the kind of future many Californians fear as climatologists have begun to warn of a possible mega-drought that would last for decades.

Meanwhile, that just might suit Brown's depopulation agenda – though surely "Governor Moonbeam" realizes how much political clout his state would surrender at the national level were it to lose, say, one-third of its population (and with it electoral votes).





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