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'The Doctors' TV show explores link between cancer and Monsanto's glyphosate

The Doctors

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(NaturalNews) A recent episode of the popular health-centric talk show The Doctors brought the issues surrounding Monsanto's Roundup to light, homing in on many hot topics. Specifically, Roundup's main ingredient, glyphosate, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report that deemed the chemical as "probably carcinogenic to humans" were the show's focus.(1)

While overall discussion about the controversial product was talked about professionally, it was obvious that tension existed when glyphosate's safety was questioned.

For example, in the audience sat 20-year Monsanto scientist Dr. Donna Farmer, who at the start of the segment said, "I've seen those headlines and I know people have lots of questions." But in a predictable attempt to allay fears by showing that she's human like the rest of us, she went right for the heartstrings by announcing that, in addition to being a scientist, she's also a mom. She went for the emotional tug again towards the end of the episode when she declared, "I am extremely, highly confident in this product as a mom and then I can back it up as a scientist."(1)

Monsanto scientist hones in on German studies, other items IARC analyzes in attempt to shift focus from glyphosate harms

She made her opposition to the IARC report's findings clear, stating that the manner in which they tested for glyphosate hazards differed from how it's actually intended for use. Furthermore, she also noted that the IARC is one of a handful of divisions that fall under the World Health Organization (WHO) umbrella, stating that they are not the WHO themselves. Finally, Dr. Farmer honed in on German studies, which determined that glyphosate is not carcinogenic to humans.(1)

To draw attention away from the 90 percent of crops in the United States that are sprayed with Monsanto's herbicides, Dr. Farmer also mentioned that IARC doesn't just study glyphosate, but several other items ranging from pickled vegetables and coffee to cell phone use and aloe vera extract.(1)

Author Jeffery Smith slams Monsanto, talks about "tobacco science" and disgusting original use of glyphosate

Joining via satellite was the author of Seeds of Deception, Jeffery Smith, who came down hard on Monsanto, noting that the company was convicted of lying in both a New York court and a French court about glyphosate's toxicity levels and its ability to degrade the soil. He then told the audience about scientists who have declared Monsanto as engaging in "tobacco science," then proceeded to delve into glyphosate's history, including the fact that it was "originally created to clean industrial boilers and pipes because it grabbed materials and minerals and pulled them out."(1)

Smith, who is also the founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, shed light on the highly disturbing fact that, when this industrial glyphosate spilled and ended up killing plants as a result, Monsanto jumped right in and patented the chemical as an herbicide.(1,2)

The author then concluded by informing everyone of the slew of health problems the chemical has been linked to. Everything from acting as an endocrine disruptor to blocking amino acids was put out there for viewers to hear.

"We don't need these chemicals," Smith said.(1)

However, in response to Smith, Farmer was quick to say that he was demonstrating his "perspective as an author" at which point she reminded everyone that, in contrast, she's a scientist whose job it is to assess "the allegations he brought up."(1)

Show host says what we're all thinking, suggests ways to stay healthy

Ultimately, it was host Dr. Travis Stork who perhaps said it best and spoke to what the vast majority of concerned consumers are thinking. Speaking of objectivity behind the IARC report and how it comes from an agency that has nothing to gain by conveying such information, he said, "To me, every time you have an international agency and it's made up of... experts and they don't have any quote-unquote 'skin in the game'... that raises alarms... not just as a doctor, but as a consumer."(1)

As any health-conscientious person knows, the best bet is to stay far away from Roundup and do as Dr. Stork suggests: Remain informed by reading as many studies as possible and, of course, try your best to always grow and consume organic foods.


(1) https://www.youtube.com

(2) http://www.thedoctorstv.com

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