(NaturalNews) As California suffers under brutal "Third World" drought conditions that are crushing the state's agricultural economy, Natural News is set to unveil a
revolutionary new technology that makes bottled water instantly obsolete.
This technology was not developed here at Natural News; it's something we are merely helping announce to the world because it's so desperately needed for our world right now. This breakthrough allows you to
eliminate nearly all toxins, heavy metals, fluoride, pesticides, glyphosate and other toxins from your water, right in your own kitchen, for mere pennies a gallon.
Most astonishingly, it accomplishes this without wasting water like reverse osmosis units do. All known RO processes -- including those used by Pepsi and Coke to bottle their water products -- waste a tremendous amount of water as they produce clean water. Given the extreme droughts now hammering California, North Texas and many areas around the world,
humanity no longer has the luxury of wasting fresh water.
If we want to live in a world that has any fresh water left at all, we must find ways to
conserve water while we purify it, and that's exactly what this revolutionary breakthrough accomplishes, as you'll see below.
I've been testing the prototype for six months in my ICP-MS laboratory
Over the last six months, I've had my hands on one the very first functioning prototypes of this breakthrough invention. In my heavy metals testing via our
Agilent 7700X ICP-MS instrument, I have documented over and over again how this unit
removes virtually ALL toxic elements from water, achieving reductions that come very close to 100%. (I actually mixed up a highly toxic brew of calibrated heavy metals contaminants and hexavalent chromium -- NASTY stuff. This unit took the levels down from high
parts per million to single-digit
parts per billion -- essentially ZERO.)
As stated above, I am not the inventor of this product, and we aren't selling it. But as an inventor of other breakthroughs such as
Cesium Eliminator and
Heavy Metals Defense, I can appreciate the brilliance of this device and the absolute genius of the method it uses to purify water. (Wish I had thought of this myself...)
I can't yet reveal exactly what this is -- that news will come in 7 days -- but I can tell you what it
• It's not a gravity water filter. This device uses a small amount of electricity to purify water very quickly: in minutes rather than hours.
• It's not something you print with a 3D printer. I want to mention this up front because many people know I am on the verge of announcing my 3D-printable arsenic removal device, but that's a completely separate breakthrough to be announced on another day.
• It doesn't use colloidal silver, colloidal gold, or any "woo woo" powers. This unit functions based on well-established laws of physics. You don't have to wave magic wands over it to make it work, in other words... (thank goodness, because my magic wand ran out of magic last week and I don't know how to recharge my wand... Viagra, perhaps?)
• It's not something you add to water to purify it. In other words, it's not iodine drops, or MMS, or anything like that.
• It's not something you have to build. This will be made available in a ready-to-use format that you can use immediately.
• It purifies water very rapidly. I haven't measured the actual liters / hour production of it, but it's very fast: You can actually SEE the water level rising in the reservoir as it functions. It's also very quiet, almost silent.
• It works on any source of tap water or even rain water. It does not, however, work on murky water, slimy water or swamp water in general. You would need to pre-filter that first.
• It does NOT desalinate water, so you cannot use it to turn ocean water into drinking water, FYI.
• Is NOT available anywhere at retail, not even Amazon.com. Almost no one has even heard of this technology yet. Even Natural News has no plans to sell this device. (We will tell you, instead, where to get it.)
• Yes, the breakthrough technology is patented. Not by me, but by its inventor. I was told this has been
years in the making and is expected to take the water filtration market by storm.
Why you still need a Big Berkey
By the way, don't take this as meaning you don't also need a Big Berkey. As I documented on
www.WaterFilterLabs.com the Big Berkey is the most effective gravity water filter sold today. You still need one of these because you need a backup way to filter water
if the power grid fails. (You know, from a storm, an EMP weapon attack, an outbreak of war, or whatever.)
But for day-to-day use, we all know the Big Berkey just happens to be really slow to filter water. That's by design, actually: if the water moves through it too quickly, then it's not doing a good job. After all, the Berkey filters water at atmospheric pressure.
This new breakthrough device I'm about to announce has its own small pump which
pressurizes the water purification process, speeding it up by a factor of maybe 100X. (I'll get the spec for you on this...)
Stop drinking wasteful bottled tap water from PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and Nestle
If you ask anyone informed about the real world, they'll tell you that Nestle is arguably the most "evil" corporation when it comes to exploiting and wasting water resources. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are also wasting untold millions of gallons of water in their water bottling operations (which also create thousands of tons of plastic landfill as a side effect, harming the planet).
If you are drinking bottled water from these corporations, you are contributing to the destruction of the environment and the wasteful exploitation of water resources.
It's time to stop such practices and find a better solution.
This new breakthrough water purification technology allows you to ditch the water bottles and stop wasting water during the purification process. You'll produce better-than-bottled water at a mere fraction of the price: pennies per gallon instead of dollars per bottle.
Did you know that Nestle, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola just
filter tap water and bottle it? (Or, as described in
Idiocracy, "Toilet water!")
They also spike their filtered water with trace minerals to try to remineralize the tap water and make it taste better. With this breakthrough device, you can achieve
far better results at home for mere pennies a gallon. In fact, here's my recipe for remineralizing purified water:
1) First, purify the water.
2) Next, add 2-3 drops of organic white vinegar per 8 oz. of water.
3) Finally, drop in a very small number of Himalayan Salt crystals and stir.
You now have remineralized water for a fraction of a penny! All sea salt, by the way, which includes Himalayan Salt (an ancient sea bed deposit) contains a very high concentration of magnesium. There's no need to pay some globalist corporation to make this for you when
it's so incredibly easy to do it yourself.
Purchase Himalayan Sea Salt at any local health food store, or find it
at the Natural News Store.
Stay tuned to Natural News for full details of this breakthrough announcement in 7 days. This is all part of our commitment to bringing you
real, practical solutions all year long. This is the kind of breakthrough that can save you money, help save the planet and save water at the same time. That's why I'm confident every single person will want one of these.
Funny but true: I'm also in line to get one that I can actually use in my own kitchen. I can't use the prototype from my lab because
I contaminated the entire unit with heavy metals during lab testing! Dang it... Yeah, I know, even though the unit works great, I'm not about to drink water out of anything I previously doused in hexavalent chromium and lead, y'know? That would be about as dangerous and stupid as eating glyphosate-contaminated GMO!
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