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Sign the petition to add a warning label to Wikipedia warning users of corporate bias and censorship

Wikipedia Warning

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(NaturalNews) A petition has been launched to redress the immanent wrongs of Wikipedia, calling on the popular wiki site to affix an honest warning label to its many pages informing users that Wikipedia is not a legitimate encyclopedia source, and that the information it contains may be, and often is, biased and/or inaccurate.

Launched by the iNLP Center for neuro-linguistic programming, the Change.org petition backs a growing global effort to get the truth out about Wikipedia. Many people still believe that Wikipedia is accurate simply because it tends to show up at the top of the list when performing internet searches. But the evidence shows that Wikipedia is full of false information, digital vandalism and flat-out lies.

One major area where Wikipedia gets things wrong is the natural healing arts. Nearly every Wikipedia entry that deals with subjects like acupuncture, alternative medicine, homeopathy and holistic healing has been altered to make it seem as though these and other naturopathic modalities are completely unproven, and that only pharmaceutical drugs and surgery are backed by science.

This isn't true, of course, but it's the position that Wikipedia takes, despite claiming that it's a neutral and unbiased source of information. Wikipedia's hostility towards natural remedies wouldn't be a big deal if the site simply admitted that it's an encyclopedia impostor, of sorts, that exists mostly for propaganda purposes. Instead, Wikipedia claims to be the budding replacement for Encyclopedia Britannica.

"Wikipedia is not an encyclopedia by any standard," warns the petition. "The content on the Wikipedia domain should be regarded as subject to anonymous user bias, inaccuracy, fraud and a host of other concerns. Wikipedia does not openly disclose its vulnerability to fraudulent information. Rather, Wikipedia's editorial policy states the opposite, that editors are neutral and unbiased."

Wikipedia entries for GMOs, vaccines, homeopathy and many other topics all contain false information

Contrary to popular belief, Wikipedia isn't a purely crowdsourced repository of the collective of human knowledge. It's a corporate-influenced propaganda website, in many cases, that obfuscates the truth about things like genetically modified organisms (GMOs), vaccines, alternative medicine, chemotherapy and much more.

A simple Google search for "Alternative Medicine," for example, pulls up Wikipedia's entry for this topic, which contains the following false information:

"Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine, but is not founded on evidence gathered using the scientific method. ... The treatments are those that are not part of the conventional, science-based healthcare system, and are not backed by scientific evidence."

This is curious, as much of what is lumped into the "alternative medicine" category by mainstream doctors and government health authorities is shown by science to have legitimacy. It's just that the ruling elite often use the term "alternative medicine" in a disparaging way to categorically denounce any therapeutic modality that bucks the status quo.

This is just one example of many; Wikipedia entries for GMOs, naturopathy, homeopathy, neuro-linguistic programming and many other topics all contain blatantly false information masquerading as truth. Mike Bundrant, founder of the iNLP Center, addresses all this in his new book project being crowd-funded through Kickstarter:

The proposed warning label, as urged by the Change.org petition, reads as follows:

WARNING: This website is not a legitimate encyclopedia. The information on this site was posted by anonymous users and is subject to bias, misrepresentation, vandalism, unfair influence by special interests, deliberate omission and inaccuracy.

To sign the petition, visit:

You can also learn more about why a warning label is necessary for Wikipedia and other ways that you can help with this effort by visiting WikipediaWarning.com.







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