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Eight hard-hitting facts about cancer

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(NaturalNews) Cancer can be incredibly scary, especially when you don't understand how to prevent the onset through incorporation of a healthy and holistic lifestyle that addresses all the core factors that facilitate its development. Unfortunately, avoidance of this deadly disease is difficult due to the pollution of our food, air, and water.

Check out these 8 sobering stats, and then make a decision to be an exception to the rule.

1. Worldwide, about 1 in 8 deaths is caused by cancer. Yet, the media and health authorities are obsessed with "preventing" virtually non-existent diseases like polio or generally non-life threatening conditions like measles. Is because there isn't a vaccination or pharmaceutical "cure" for cancer yet? Interestingly enough, developed countries have higher incidences of cancer, where humankind has generally aborted its connection from the healing power of pure food, air, water, sun, and earth.

2. People aged 55 or older have the highest cancer risk. Approximately 77% of ALL cancers diagnosed are present in men and women in this age group.

3. On the other side of the spectrum, more than 40 children are diagnosed with cancer every day, which equals more than 14,000 each year in the United States alone. Cancer and its conventional treatments will end the lives of four children each day, more than complications from congenital birth defects, type 1 diabetes, and asthma combined. The survival rates are not improving due to the focus on conventional treatments and endorsing collateral damage (killing all cells, with toxic drugs), rather than addressing the cause and endorsing an approach that is the antithesis to cancer - namely, a connection back to nature in all its forms.

4. More than 90% of all lung cancer cases are caused by smoking, but it's not the actual tobacco that causes the cancer, it's the chemicals that are utilized in the making of tobacco products that cause cancer. Quitting and avoiding second hand smoke is the easiest course of action to avoid this diagnosis, which is the leading cancer killer of men and women in the United States.

5. Sleep deprivation is described as those who get less than 6 hours per day, and this demographic has an increased risk of colon cancer. Recent studies have indicated that there is a much higher risk of cancer for those who work night shift schedules, perhaps due to improper sleep patterns disrupting circadian rhythms and quality of sleep. Proper sleep is one of the most healing activities at your disposal due to its regeneration capabilities, so covet it like a newborn baby.

6. Skin cancer is diagnosed most often, and the number of cases is increasing every year. This has spurred the myth that the sun causes cancer, but this is not entirely true. Appropriate sun exposure increases your levels of Vitamin D, which has been shown to be responsible for prevention of 77% of ALL cancers. The sweet spot is getting enough sun exposure to get your daily dose (20-30 minutes in early morning or late afternoon, on arms and legs), then getting out of it or using a non-carcinogenic sunscreen to avoid burning. If you do burn, it can cause DNA damage and eventually cancer, so a balanced approach is important.

7. Only a very small percentage of cancers have a genetic link (less than 5%), which is not what most "cancer experts" convey. However, social heredity (habitually doing the things our family has done) is a big factor, and we can avoid this subconscious way of doing things that don't serve our health by reprogramming ourselves to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

8. Researchers worldwide agree that at least 50% of all cancers are preventable! In 2015, an estimated 1.6 million deaths will be attributed to cancer, and being able to prevent at least half those deaths through
a more holistic lifestyle is very encouraging!

The thing that makes cancer the most scary, is the mystery behind it for the majority of people, and the inclination that it pops out of nowhere and is indiscriminate about who it chooses to inflict. This is NOT the
case, and a little education and action can go a long way to prevention and successful treatment of cancer, naturally.

Start with understanding how cancer develops from our habits by reading Daily Habits That Cause Cancer. Then, incorporate cancer-killing foods, by reviewing Top 8 Foods and Herbs For Healing Cancer. Armed with this information, you can begin to wake up the healing power of the body, and start to buck some of these crazy statistics. Also check out the first few sources below for natural cancer remedies.









About the author:
Derek Henry took a deadly health challenge that conventional medicine couldn't solve and self-directed a one-in-a-million health journey that found him happier and healthier than he had been in his entire life. As a result of this rewarding journey, he now spends his time writing, coaching, and educating thousands of people each month who want to enjoy similar results under their own direction.

Find out how you can reverse disease and thrive with a holistic approach.

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