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FedEx refuses to ship CNC router machine because it can be used to drill holes in gun parts


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(NaturalNews) Top shipping company FedEx has been accused of refusing a small business owner's gun-related product, in what he says is a politically correct attack on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as well as the free market.

Cody Wilson, innovator of Dark Wallet and a 3D-printed gun inventor, told InfoWars in a recent interview that FedEx's refusal to ship the Ghost Gunner, his company's latest product, has now left him without a way to fulfill the orders of customers who have bought it, which has effectively ruined his business.

What's really odd about the shipper's decision, he says, is that the product is not a firearm -- it's a machine.

"It's like a computer controlled mill, but it's small, it's affordable, it sits on your desktop," Wilson said. "And, notably, it can capably manufacture an AR-15 lower receiver from 80 percent manufacture."

Wilson believes that FedEx's decision not to ship his product is based purely on politics, and he has accused the international shipper of colluding with the notoriously anti-gun Obama Administration to keep more Americans from owning firearms.

Operation Choke Point?

"My assertion here is that FedEx is trying to hide behind color of law," Wilson told InfoWars. "Really they're more interested in the political implications of my device than its legality. They don't like the idea; they're uncomfortable with the idea that people could have such easy access to guns, and will perform by extension what Eric Holder and the administration cannot do."

FedEx spent weeks stalling a decision, Wilson said, but eventually said it would not provide service to Defense Distributed, his company.

"Despite my submitting all the legal work I'd done, all the clear memorandum and stating how the law was obvious, that this was just a tool that people could use to make their guns, which is constitutionally protected activity -- they said because people can use my machine to make firearms, they would not ship my machine, they would not offer me any rate at all, they do not want my business," he said.

Wilson, who also created the Wiki Weapon Project, said he believes he is also a victim of a Justice Department initiative known as "Operation Choke Point," which seeks to restrict certain business activities by essentially closing off their access to third-party payment processors and lenders.

"What we're finding is a constellation, or a closed loop of businesses and government working together to agree by consensus that there's only certain ways you're gonna be able to get the gun," Wilson said in his interview. "And they will not admit the possibility that you can constitutionally make these things for yourself without surveillance, or without commercial or ATF intervention."

Wilson noted that 80-percent AR-15 lower receivers are both easily obtained and legal to own, but they require mills like those he makes in order to complete them. He said quite a few gun owners like the incomplete lowers because they don't have to register them and they do not have serial numbers, which is why he believes they are being targeted by government.

Odd decision

InfoWars further reported:

Last year, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives exemplified this when they raided California gun parts manufacturer Ares Armor confiscating their merchandise over a unique lower receiver they sold, which the ATF alleged exceeded the 80 percent margin.

Wilson told the alternative news agency that now, without FedEx, he's not sure how he will fulfill his orders.

"I have over a thousand orders for fulfillment right now, and I don't know how I'm going to do that," he said. "If someone won't cater to my business to fulfill my product, this is an easy way of de facto putting me out of business."

InfoWars noted that FedEx's decision is odd, given that the company regularly ships firearms and has a business relationship with the nation's top Second Amendment defender, the National Rifle Association.

You can watch the full interview here.





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