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Mythbusters host becoming food ingredient activist by revealing crazy ingredients in McDonald's fries

French fries

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(NaturalNews) French fries: a basic combination of potatoes, cooking oil and salt, right? Not at McDonald's, where a shocking 19 ingredients go into the U.S. version of the chain's "World Famous Fries," which based on their contents are more chemicals than actual food.

Mythbusters host Grant Imahara recently toured the factory in Idaho where McDonald's fries are concocted, revealing some shocking facts about this popular junk food favorite. Not only are McDonald's fries loaded with GMOs, but they're also packed with trans fats, chemical stabilizers, preservatives and other health-destroying garbage.

And if you were under the impression that McDonald's fries are somehow vegetarian and/or gluten-free, you're sadly mistaken. The official ingredients list reveals the presence of wheat, milk and beef derivatives, as well as other random additives derived from petroleum and silicone.

The full ingredients list as uncovered during the segment is as follows:
  • Potatoes
  • Canola oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Hydrogenated soybean oil
  • Natural beef flavor
  • Hydrolyzed wheat
  • Hydrolyzed milk
  • Citric acid
  • Dimethylpolysiloxane
  • Dextrose
  • Sodium and pyrophosphate
  • Salt
  • Canola oil
  • Corn oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Hydrogenated soybean oil
  • TBHQ (tertiary butylhydroquinone)
  • Citric acid
  • Dimethylpolysiloxane

McDonald's fries fried in poison twice, investigation reveals

The reason some of these ingredients are listed twice is because McDonald's fries are fried twice -- once at the factory and again in the restaurant. So consumers are getting double the amount of hydrogenated GMO poison every time they dine at one of the chain's thousands of locations.

TBHQ, a preservative agent added to keep McDonald's fries looking and tasting like actual food, is derived from the same petrol chemicals that you pump in your gas tank. And dimethylpolysiloxane, as you may recall, is the same silly putty chemical that we reported is also used in McDonald's Chicken McNuggets to keep them from foaming -- it performs the same function in the fries.

The initial process of producing McDonald's fries is fairly standard. Potatoes are peeled, cut and blanched before being blasted through a cutter at up to 70 miles per hour, creating the iconic thin sticks which we're all used to. But it's what happens next that will probably disgust you.

During the first frying sequence, McDonald's fries are coated in a blend of canola, soybean and hydrogenated soybean oils -- all of which are probably genetically modified -- as well as the beef, wheat and milk additives. They are also given a bath in citric acid, which typically comes from GMO sources, as well as the silly putty chemical.

In order to make the fries appear golden and edible as opposed to bland or even gray in color, a shower of dextrose, a refined sugar additive, is applied to the small sticks. Sodium acid pyrophosphate is also applied to make the fries, which are quite old by the time they reach stores, look fresh and desirable.

After being fried at the factory, McDonald's fries are flash frozen, bagged and shipped out to stores where they are submerged in a GMO bath once again, complete with trans fats, before being salted with processed, artery-damaging salt and served to customers.

When all is said and done, the final product contains 510 calories, 6 grams of protein, 24 grams of fat -- nearly all bad fats, mind you -- 67 grams of carbohydrates and 290 milligrams of sodium.

Oddly enough, if you live in the UK and eat McDonald's fries, you aren't consuming nearly as many chemicals and poisons. A "Food Babe" investigation -- like the Health Ranger, the Food Babe has helped pave the way for increasing transparency of what's contained in the food supply -- revealed that UK McDonald's fries contain only potatoes, vegetable oil (not hydrogenated) and salt, and they're fried only once in the store.






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