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NYC Ebola doctor lied about traveling around city before hospitalization

Ebola doctor

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(NaturalNews) The first reported case of Ebola in New York City apparently caroused around town rather than self-quarantine himself, according to new reports. Dr. Craig Spencer, who was declared to have Ebola after recording a temperature of 100.3 degrees F, had initially told health authorities that he did not leave his house after returning from West Africa, which was apparently not true.

Dr. Spencer not only left his house but bounced all over the city from swanky restaurants to a trendy bowling alley, taking the public Metro, as well as Uber ride-share cabs, to and from each place. He also presumably spent time with friends and family, putting untold numbers of people at risk of infection, since it has now been shown that Ebola can travel through the air and survive on dry surfaces.

"He told the authorities that he self-quarantined," reported sources to the New York Post. "Detectives then reviewed his credit-card statement and MetroCard and found that he went over here, over there, up and down and all around."

Dr. Spencer denies that he lied about what he did in the interim between when he returned from Guinea and when he was admitted to Bellevue Hospital. A spokeswoman from the local health department told the media that Dr. Spencer "cooperated fully" with authorities to "establish a timeline of his movements" in the days following his return.

"He followed protocol by contacting his employer immediately upon developing fever and remained in his apartment until being transported to the hospital, which is why the chance anyone else contracted Ebola is extremely small," stated Veronica Lewin from the health department in an email to CNBC.

"Dr. Spencer is a hero who deserves our thanks and thoughts for a speedy recovery."

Did detectives illegally spy on Dr. Spencer by viewing his credit card statements?

Inside sources disagree, however. Though it is unclear what justification they had to review Dr. Spencer's private purchasing habits in the first place, apart from an actual warrant, his habits in the days following his return suggest that he spent a lot more time out of the house than he initially claimed.

As of October 28, Dr. Spencer is reportedly in "serious but stable condition" at Bellevue Hospital, where he recently received a plasma treatment. Doctors claim he looks "better than he looked yesterday," and that he had a good night's sleep.

"From his first day here, he expressed gratitude with the care he is receiving under the watchful eye of the dedicated, well trained and professional team of ICU physicians and nurses who are exclusively assigned to his care," stated Dr. Ram Raju, a member of the physician team, to the media.

Does Dr. Spencer even have Ebola? Common tests are wholly inconclusive

Meanwhile, there are still lingering questions as to the validity of the entire diagnostic process for detecting Ebola. Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport says Dr. Spencer's diagnosis is questionable based on the tests that he may or may not have been given, since nobody really knows what these even were.

"Was Spencer given an antibody test?" asked Rappoport. "It's notorious for coming up with false-positives, because it reacts on the basis of factors that have nothing to do with the virus being tested for."

"Traditionally, a positive antibody test was taken to mean the person's immune system warded off the virus successfully. Not any longer. The science has been turned upside down, for no good reason. Now, a positive test=the patient has the disease. Absurd."

You can read Rappoport's full analysis on the matter here:

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