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MIT study reveals how coughs can propel aerosolized particles 20 feet

Ebola transmission

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(NaturalNews) New research out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) affirms what many of us have been saying about Ebola all along -- basically, if the virus is real and spreading as claimed, part of this spread is occurring via micronized airborne transmission through things like coughs and sneezes. And MIT researchers found that these aerosolized particles can, in some cases, travel up to 20 feet.

The study, entitled "Violent expiratory events: on coughing and sneezing," used laboratory simulations and mathematical modeling to assess how fluids are spread through these common bodily functions, specifically from a fluid-mechanics perspective. The research was intended to reevaluate what was previously assumed about aerosolized fluid travel to either uphold or correct it, depending on the findings.

Published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, the peer-reviewed paper revealed that, contrary to popular belief, the smaller the aerosolized particle, the farther it is able to travel. The reason for this is that the trajectory of each droplet is affected by all the other droplets, as well as the resultant gas cloud that occurs during a cough or sneeze. In other words, smaller particles are much more easily lifted and carried longer distances than larger particles.

"When you cough or sneeze, you see the droplets, or feel them if someone sneezes on you," said John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics at MIT and co-author of the study. "But you don't see the cloud, the invisible gas phase. The influence of this gas cloud is to extend the range of the individual droplets, particularly the small ones."

Ventilation systems in hospitals, offices, and airplanes can spread Ebola based on MIT study

According to Bush and his colleagues, it is important to look at these and other expiratory events as clouds of gas emerging from a smokestack. If you can imagine tiny particulates being sent out of the stack and billowing in the wind and smoke, it is easier to visualize how the smallest droplets can be carried very long distances.

"If you ignored the presence of the gas cloud, your first guess would be that larger drops go farther than the smaller ones, and travel at most a couple of meters," added Bush. "But by elucidating the dynamics of the gas cloud, we have shown that there's a circulation within the cloud -- the smaller drops can be swept around and resuspended by the eddies within a cloud, and so settle more slowly.

"Basically, small drops can be carried a great distance by this gas cloud while the larger drops fall out. So you have a reversal in the dependence of range on size."

CDC now admits Ebola can travel through air, but underestimates travel distance

After repeatedly denying that Ebola could ever go airborne, despite what is already known in the medical literature about the nature of aerosolized transmission of disease, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has finally admitted that infectious diseases like Ebola can spread through coughs and sneezes.

But the agency, in a recent announcement, claims that the maximum distance that these droplets can travel is no further than three feet, or roughly one meter, from one person to another. Where the CDC obtained this number is anyone's guess, but this admission, though greatly underestimated, says a lot about the true nature of Ebola that the mainstream media has been trying to withhold from the public.

"At least CDC is starting to move the narrative," Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., a board-certified internist, biological warfare epidemiologist and anthrax expert, stated on her blog. "Maybe tomorrow it will be 5 feet. Then 10. Maybe next month they will tell us why all the victims' possessions are being incinerated and apartments fumigated.

"Just remember: historically, Ebola spread fast in healthcare facilities."

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