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FDA approves experimental use of antiviral drug for Ebola, but still won't allow testing with colloidal silver or Echinacea


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(NaturalNews) Right now, speculators are bubbling with anticipation, as drug company stocks are set to make impressive gains. Ever since Thomas Eric Duncan was quarantined at a Dallas hospital, it was only a matter of time before he would be subjected to new experimental drugs. Not long thereafter, the US FDA approved Chimerix's new experimental drug brincidofovir, to be exclusively used on Duncan.

Isn't it amazing how fast these new pharmacological brews are whipped up each time there is a hyped-up outbreak of some sort? The whole Ebola scenario almost appears contrived by drug companies and biotechnology experts, who seem to have the answer ready for the stock market as soon as the new pandemic breaks out.

Viruses often become resistant to drug company pharmacology

History is rife with examples of drug company capitalization and failure. For instance, look at the bird flu scare that went around not long ago. Antiviral drug oseltamivir (marketed as Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) were brought to market quickly after the scare. What's very interesting about these opportunistic drugs is that they are almost always ineffective just years later, because the virus evolves and becomes resistant to the drugs. According to a new study, about 35 percent of the H7N9 bird flu viruses are resistant to these drugs, while only 65 percent are sensitive to the drugs.

Drug companies allowed to take advantage of the pandemic; no other antiviral strategies allowed

This brings up the questions: Why are new experimental drugs the only things being tested, especially when they are ineffective long term? Why are pandemics taken advantage of to sell only profitable drug company potions? Why are drug company interests put before the health of thousands who are struggling in West Africa?

Why aren't powerful medicines like colloidal silver or Echinacea being tested against Ebola?

There are several ways world governments and charities could be helping Africans today. These methods wouldn't need to be approved by regulatory agencies, because they are not patented drugs with unknown consequences. There are countless immune-system-building tools that governments and charities could use to boost the health of the Ebola-stricken West African nations. Colloidal silver is one of those natural strategies. Other natural antiviral substances like Echinacea are effective long-term, because they evolve with the viruses in nature to survive.

In this eye-opening study, Echinacea extract inhibited the receptor-binding activity of several avian and swine flu virus strains. The herbal extract interferes with the viruses' ability to enter cells. In contrast, antiviral drug Tamiflu flunked the test and was actually counterproductive, producing drug-resistant viruses! What was interesting was that the Echinacea was able to mop up the mess caused by the drug Tamiflu, showing its ability to squelch the wild type virus that mutated because of the drug.

Government bureaucracies suppressing potentially lifesaving knowledge and antiviral strategies

So far, the FDA has approved ZMapp for Ebola treatment and are now approving Chimerix, but why isn't colloidal silver being looked at? Why aren't antiviral herbal extracts being shipped immediately? Instead, regulatory agencies attack these immune-system-building approaches almost as if their bureaucracy is just a mafia gang working for the drug company cartels.

In fact, efforts to ship nanosilver into Sierra Leone have been blocked by the World Health Organization. The Natural Solutions Foundation has tried three times to deliver 200 bottles of 10 ppm nanosilver and 100 tubes of nanosilver gel to the hurting country, but the shipment "never made it out of Paris."

To make matters worse, the FDA has been spending its resources going after the Natural Solutions Foundations and two essential oil companies, Young Living and DoTerra. Many of the products offered by these companies are excellent antiviral remedies and immune system boosters. In this way, the FDA is making sure that people stay afraid of the actual answers, while forcing people to accept experimental drugs instead. A desperate and fearful people are herded along and taught to not question what they are fed by the drug companies and their enforcers and propaganda arms.

Greed is really running medicine today, and the masses follow along, unquestioning

Right after Chimerix said it is "working closely with the" FDA to finalize a drug for Ebola patients, its company stock jumped 8 percent, showing just how orchestrated, cold and calculating greed can really be, even in medicine.

In the end, the new drug brincidofovir may be effective for treating Ebola in Thomas Eric Duncan.
It might not, but the real questions are: Why aren't effective medicines like colloidal silver being blocked and suppressed? And why are Ebola patients being lied to and being restricted from potentially life-saving therapies that come straight from the earth?

To learn more about how to prepare for a potential Ebola crisis here in the U.S., be sure to check out:







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