(NaturalNews) Ebola is now spreading in a hospital in Dallas as
a health care worker there was confirmed to have contracted Ebola from "patient zero" Thomas Duncan.
The alarming part of this development is that the health worker
was wearing CDC-recommended protective gear and was working in precisely the kind of advanced, first-world hospital where we have all been assured Ebola could never spread.
Now, people everywhere are questioning the adequacy of the protective medical gear being worn by health care workers, because clearly that gear is still allowing infections to get through.
Here at Natural News, we've been loudly warning the world that
the CDC's unwillingness to tell the truth about indirect Ebola transmission would put people's lives at risk, and now sadly that day has arrived. What's clear is that
health care workers are not being given adequate safety gear to deal with a level-4 biohazard virus.
Take a look at the gear
Here's a picture of health care workers in Spain, where a nurse recently contracted Ebola from an infected patient:

From this photo, you can see that this gear is wholly inadequate. These are Tyvek suits with hoods, but there are no goggles or respirators shown in this picture. The female on the left appears to be wearing sunglasses and an N95 mask, neither of which offer the kind of protection demanded during direct contact with an Ebola patient. The man with the Tyvek suit is reaching under his hood, potentially contaminating the inner side of the hood with Ebola on his latex gloves. Perhaps that aren't yet "geared up" and still plan to put on goggles, but it appears that the man is exiting the hospital, implying he was already in there.
For these suits to be protective at all, they would need to be coupled with full-face respirators, and all contact points where the respirator meets the Tyvek body suit would need to be sealed with tape.
Furthermore, the wrist sleeves of the body suits should also be sealed to the latex gloves with tape. Even then, these are not positive pressure suits, so Ebola could easily penetrate these suits.
Goggles just don't cut it
The next photo, courtesy of
Breitbart News, shows the medical gear being widely used throughout West Africa today:

This is a layered suit with goggles on top. The problem with all these goggles is that
they must be vented goggles in order to eliminate fog. Ebola can obviously travel right through the vents via aerosols or airborne droplets of body fluid. (Ebola is extremely infectious to eyeballs.)
The second problem here is that the goggles aren't really sealed to the suit in any significant way. They simply rest on top of the face mask and head hood, leaving tiny gaps through which aerosolized Ebola can easily travel.
Thirdly, the act of removing all this protective gear can cause a person to be infected. If Ebola is on the gear, then removing the gear can cause a person to transfer that Ebola to their own hands. From there, it can easily end up in their eyes, nose or mouth, where the infection is now established.
This happens because Ebola can be transmitted INDIRECTLY from patients to contaminated surfaces and then to a new victim. This indirect transmission of Ebola is something the CDC continues to ridiculously claim is impossible. For this reason, many health care workers are operating under the false assumption that they cannot acquire Ebola by touching contaminated isolation gear.
And when health care workers do find themselves infected while wearing CDC-approved medical gear,
they get blamed by the CDC as if the infection were their own fault.
Here's what a level-4 biohazard suit really looks like
A level-4 biohazard suit provides complete isolation from the surrounding environment. These are "positive pressure" suits requiring a constant stream of air from an attached air hose. Here's what they look like:

As you can see from this photo, each of these suits is inflated by an attached air hose. The rushing air is extremely loud to the people inside the suits, making verbal communication very difficult.
When researching Ebola, U.S. Army virologists strip down to be completely nude before donning these suits. Their hands are the most vulnerable points of possible infection, so they layer up with 3 layers of protective gloves.
No scalpels are allowed in level-4 biohazard rooms due to the risk of accidents resulting in cuts. Needles are used sparingly and with extreme caution. One jab with a needle in a level-4 room and you can be fatally infected.
In the U.S. Army, workers wearing these suits are decontaminated upon leaving the lab rooms, and if they are suspected of having lost suit integrity at any time, they are put into the "slammer" -- an isolation tank where they have to live for 30 days, completely cut off from the outside world. Scientists who are thrown in the slammer are not even allowed to have scissors to trim facial hair out of fear that they will commit suicide from the insanity of the isolation.
This is all documented and explained in great detail in the horrifying non-fiction book "Hot Zone" by Richard Preston.
Inadequate gear puts all our lives at risk
As I have
repeatedly warned here at Natural News, the CDC's lies about Ebola spreading only via "direct contact" are a danger to us all. Bad information leads to bad decisions about medical gear, and those bad decisions are now leading directly to more infections.
How many more medical staff in the Dallas hospital will soon be diagnosed with Ebola? Nobody knows, and at the same time nobody believes that wearing "CDC-approved medical gear" is sufficient to halt infections.
If the CDC doesn't come clean and admit that Ebola can be spread via INDIRECT contact, we will surely see more infections in U.S. hospitals. Keep in mind that barely two weeks ago, we were all assured by the CDC that there would be no Ebola outbreaks in America because we have the best hospitals in the world.
Also, remember that all this has happened from just one Ebola patient. What will happen
when ten Ebola patients arrive from Central or South America in the near future? How about a hundred Ebola patients? If the U.S. health care system and government authorities can't even contain a single Ebola infection,
how exactly are they going to contain dozens or hundreds that may arrive in the future?
Sources for this story include:[1]
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