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Ebola quarantine zones quickly become starvation death traps


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(NaturalNews) In a bid to contain the rapidly escalating Ebola epidemic, Sierra Leone recently instituted a three-day quarantine during which time the nation's residents were told to stay at home to avoid infection. But as we reported, this mandatory lockdown resulted in major food shortages in many parts of the country, turning an otherwise benevolent effort into the equivalent of forced genocide.

After urging people to stay home for their own safety, and promising to provide necessary rations, Sierra Leone's government had trouble actually following through with this plan. Part of this was due to the fact that, because of the shutdown, the transport of food and other necessary supplies came to a grinding halt, resulting in immediate shortages.

The effort not only failed to slow the spread of Ebola but also created major social upheaval that The Common Sense Show's Dave Hodges says is inevitable with any quarantine scheme. Due to the nature of Ebola and how it appears to be spreading, quarantines simply don't and won't work, he says, and will end up starving people rather than helping them, not to mention further spreading the illness.

"In a quarantine situation, most of the healthy will eventually become a statistic by contracting the virus," he recently wrote. "Therefore, a quarantine is a death sentence for the confined 'healthy' members of a quarantined community as well."

When public services are cut off, people die

During a quarantine, essential public services like water delivery and trash pickup also get neglected. This means that sanitation takes a backseat to the emergency at hand, further compounding the situation. If the people being quarantined aren't dying from Ebola, in other words, they could still end up dying from a lack of clean water or from the filth and infestation from trash pileups.

"In a quarantine zone, normal commerce stops," added Hodges. "Essential public services are, at some point, left unattended (e.g. water, sewage, trash). Death from secondary sources of disease will be just as common as are the deaths resulting from Ebola."

Violence is another consequence of quarantines, where desperation ends up trumping rationality in the fight just to stay alive. Liberia is seeing this with its attempted quarantines as well, which are disrupting commerce and sparking food shortages and, ultimately, civil unrest. According to The Guardian, domestic food production has all but stopped in Liberia, with most of the available food now coming from imports.

The country says it has already imported enough food from elsewhere to last until December, but where provisions will come from after that time is anyone's guess.

"We will get our rice supply that will take us to November and we have several lined vessels up that will take us through January," stated Axel Addy, Liberia's minister of commerce and industry, to The Guardian. "On that side we have been able to manage [Ebola's effect on food supplies], although at a higher cost."

Will America be quarantined when Ebola hits North America?

As far as America's future in all this, if Ebola should cross the Atlantic and trigger an outbreak here, Hodges says most of the country will end up being confined under quarantines. And like in West Africa, the damage to daily commerce and food production will be duly catastrophic, except with far more people affected.

"The soldiers have been taken to Ebola impacted areas because they will work on learning the art of enforcing mandatory quarantine zones as they will inevitably be employed inside the United States," Hodges wrote, referring to the 3,000 military servicemen that the Obama regime is planning to send to West Africa.

Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at www.BioDefense.com






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