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Syringe attack at airport raises fears of weaponized Ebola virus

Ebola virus

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(NaturalNews) Fears over weaponized Ebola virus are escalating after a federal air marshal was stabbed with a syringe recently while traveling through an airport in Lagos, Nigeria. The New York Times (NYT) reports that the man, who may have been a target of bioterrorism, was rushed back to Houston, Texas, and evaluated, thankfully with no signs of Ebola infection.

Tests conducted on the syringe at a special bio-defense forensics laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland, did not reveal Ebola or any other threatening agent, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spokesman Christos Sinos. But this does not mean that the intent of the stabbing was not to harm the marshal, potentially with a deadly substance.

What may have happened is that a random civilian attempted to infect the marshal with Ebola or some other harmful disease, but failed to properly preserve it as an effective bioweapon. Experts say it would be extremely difficult to cultivate large enough amounts Ebola in order to effectively weaponize and spread it throughout a population.

But the threat is still there, say some, and people need to be cautious.

"It's not very contagious compared to things like plague, but it does have high lethality and could cause fear and terror," stated Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior associate at the Center for Health Security, a group affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, to NYT about the threat of weaponized Ebola.

Infection pattern shows Ebola is more contagious than we're all being told

The way that Ebola is already spreading, however, tells a much different story. At least three American doctors, one of whom had no direct contact with Ebola patients, reportedly caught the disease while providing medical aid in West Africa. In the case of 51-year-old Dr. Rick Sacra, it is presumed that, since he didn't treat any Ebola patients, he did not come into contact with either their vomit or their dead bodies.

Since these are claimed to be the only ways that Ebola spreads, there appears to be some kind of airborne component to the virus, or perhaps an ability to travel via fluid vapor, that has previously been ignored or gone unnoticed. This seems to match its rapid and almost inexplicable rate of spread during the current outbreak, despite steady efforts on the ground to keep it contained.

A Canadian study involving pigs and monkeys actually confirmed this, having found back in 2012 that Ebola can spread through the air. Infected pigs placed in separate cages away from non-infected monkeys eventually transmitted the disease across an open room, despite having no actual contact with the monkeys.

U.S. government behind experimental drugs, vaccines for Ebola

The media has remained largely quiet about this particular study, insisting that Ebola can't be spread through the air. But if they're wrong, then what is currently circulating as a localized epidemic could quickly mount into a global pandemic -- that is, unless the drug industry comes in to "save the day" with experimental drugs and vaccines, which are already in the works.

According to NYT, the U.S. government has actually been funding the procurement of pharmaceutical interventions for Ebola, perhaps expecting it to spiral out of control in the future. Either that or the plan is to use fear as a method of capitalizing on the crisis, and, if it is determined that Ebola has been weaponized, that will generate a whole new level of panic.

Learn more about natural defenses against viral outbreaks at BioDefense.com.

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