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Dengue fever strikes Japan for first time since 1945

Dengue fever

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(NaturalNews) A locally induced outbreak of dengue fever, the first since 1945, has occurred in Tokyo during the summer of 2014. It is a viral infection spread by specific mosquitoes: Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) and Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito).

Unlike other mosquitoes, they bite during the day, especially around early morning and dusk. Both species are small black mosquitoes with white stripes on their back and on their legs.

Dengue (DEN-gee) fever usually affects residents of tropical and sub-tropical areas throughout the world where those types of mosquitoes readily breed. But those mosquitoes have been known to spread into more temperate regions via cargo ship transports.

All mosquitoes are attracted to stagnant collected water for breeding. During or just after a rainy season is when mosquito habitats flourish with their eggs that soon release more mosquitoes.

This appears to be what happened in Central Tokyo's Yoyogi Park, a large and popular park that attracts tourists and locals abundantly during daylight hours. Until now, dengue fever has been under control, even as the Asian tiger mosquito continues to be endemic to Japan.

It's Yoyogi Park that's been heavily infested with these daylight blood suckers. All 34 recently stricken with dengue during this breakout had visited that park just prior to showing signs of dengue fever.

About dengue fever and possible remedies

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), 22,000 people die annually from complications of dengue fever. One wonders how WHO statistics remain the same for each year. The mortality rate is around one percent with typical dengue fever, which is a painful and debilitating affliction accompanied by flu symptoms and high fever.

But mortality increases to up to 20 percent with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a variation or complication that tends to mostly affect children under 10 years of age and older people. It causes abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding) and circulatory collapse (shock).

What's weird is that DHF may set in shortly after the fever's decline. Dehydration and internal bleeding are part of DHF's disease symptom package, which is similar to Ebola.

There is "officially" no specific pharmaceutical treatment for either form of dengue fever, and it takes time to recover fully without weakness. But a non-pharmaceutical antiviral extract of black elderberry proved to be much more efficient at handling the swine, or any other, flu than pharmaceutical Tamiflu.

Elderberry doesn't cause side effects, while the side effects from Tamiflu were so bad that it was banned in Japan. Raw elderberry plants contain a poisonous compound related to cyanide, so one should be careful to use a reliable, safe preparation from a known provider. While elderberry hasn't been tested for effects in regard to dengue infections, it does have antiviral and antioxidant properties which may help improve one's health.

Meanwhile, health officials cite progress in vaccine developments, just what mainstream medicine needs to further gamble with peoples' lives, "protection" that may harm more than help. Other ignored solutions include mega-dose IV vitamin C or the more easily accessed oral liposomal vitamin C.

Mega-dose vitamin C in either form, the latter being more convenient and less expensive, has yet to come across a viral infection that it couldn't handle, from the flu to viral pneumonia to polio, even among some on life support. But the medical mafia doesn't want you to know that.

Preventive measures

As with all mosquito infestations, they are best nipped in the bud. In Mexico, it was common for health agency volunteers to come to homes after a monsoon, especially in rural areas, to peek into ponds and open air containers to find and destroy mosquito larvae in the water.

Here in the states and elsewhere, it's more common for trucks to drive around residential areas with trucks spraying insecticides that are harmful to people and pets. To be sure, Yoyogi Park has been blanketed with insecticides since the Tokyo breakout.

Controlling collected water in open spaces or containers is the best approach for keeping the mosquito populations down. But it's the most difficult to enforce. Not everyone is willing to be so diligent with collected water. Stocking ponds with fish who feed on mosquito larvae helps, and it's easy.

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