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Ron Paul launches new website to promote an 'epidemic of truth-telling'

Ron Paul

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(NaturalNews) Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has launched a new website that he says aims to promote more whistleblowing by government employees and serve as a sounding board that grabs the attention of politicians and policymakers.

"I tell you what has helped us a whole lot and that is something that we can encourage, and that is to get more whistleblowers," the libertarian-leaning Paul, also a three-time presidential candidate, said. "Think of Edward Snowden, what he has done for revealing the truth. Think of what Daniel Ellsberg did in a much more difficult time and he narrowly escaped going to prison for this."

Snowden, the former NSA contractor who divulged top-secret information showing how his former agency spied on millions of Americans and citizens of allied countries, is currently a fugitive in Russia; Ellsberg famously revealed the Pentagon Papers in the 1970s, which revealed secret U.S. operations in Vietnam and the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia.

'The answers are found in liberty'

"Of course Edward Snowden might not ever be able to come back to this country, so we have so much work, but he did tell us the truth so he is a wonderful voice and maybe we can cause an epidemic of truth-telling because the crisis that we have now, whether its the economic crisis or the foreign policy crisis, there is such a need to hear the truth," Paul continued in a video announcing the launch this week his new crowd-sourcing website, Voices of Liberty.

"The answers are found in liberty and that is what America was once known for," Paul said. "Of course we have lost our way, but there is nothing to say we can't find our way again."

The site is an outgrowth of the online Ron Paul Channel, but it intends to be more interactive, reported the Patriot Rising website. For those unfamiliar with it, "crowdsourcing" in this context is a way of soliciting content from a large number of contributors in an online community. The site plans to promote petitions, discussions and other ways to reach Washington's often-aloof lawmakers.

"It's a platform to bring together liberty-minded individuals, thought leaders and everyday people on a platform to look at what's getting the most traffic and most shares and send the message to people in power," Voices of Liberty (VOL) managing editor Tiffany Rider told Glenn Beck's The Blaze, which is headquartered in Texas.

She references a Ron Paul Channel petition that called for clemency for Snowden, and added that there would be additional examples of that regarding various other issues from VOL.

"This is an extension of that mission, to get people involved, raise voices and join the revolution," said Rider.

'This is about more voices from liberty-minded people'

The VOL site is called a "digital bully pulpit," and its featured content will include audio, video, editorial and a special feature titled, "Know Your Rights." It will also feature regular messages from Paul, who is also a physician who ran twice for the GOP presidential nomination, in 2008 and 2012. He ran as the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988.

Rider went on to point out that Paul's VOL site is not affiliated with the Libertarian Party; she also did not comment on rumors that Paul's son, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., was planning on a presidential run in 2016.

"This is about more voices from liberty-minded people, from the Occupy movement to Tea Partiers, from 'big L' libertarians to 'small L' libertarians," she said.

In his video, Paul discussed the importance of Americans finding a way to join in on the discussions. He also talked about his first run for Congress in the 1970s, in an effort to get a message out. He said his wife warned him not to, fearing that he would actually win his race; he did. Then he kept winning. But at the time, Paul said he assured his wife that he would not win, because the public at the time would not support any political candidate talking about sound money policy and cutting back the (then-massive as well) Welfare State.





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