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America - Where we scare you into pills and surgery!

Pharmaceutical medication

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(NaturalNews) You, as a human, are a very weak animal who was born "insufficient" with a body that needs chemical medications, vaccines and meat and dairy for nutrition -- this is what most of us are led to believe from birth to death. Also, you will have health problems later in life that need to be invasively "removed" with a surgeon's knife, and what is left after the surgery may need to be "burned" away with chemicals to prevent the "damage" from spreading. More lies. You have been told that most disease and disorder is genetic, so there's not much that you can do to prevent it or heal yourself, because your parents, grandparents or their parents suffered from the same, and unfortunately, you got their genes. Usually another bold-faced lie.

Plus, you will soon face depression, if not already, daily -- and it will get the best of you, unless you take anti-anxiety medication and maybe also some antidepressant medication. Oh, and your attention span is too short, so you will also need ADHD medication, much like your children. And you know what all that advice is? -- More lies.

America -- land of the medicated! Without medical doctors who went to school for eight years to learn how to juggle multiple prescriptions at once, where would you be? Without their vast knowledge of chemistry, that they can't even explain to you when you get prescribed, where would you be? Without surgeons to cut out the cancer, a chemically driven disease of the blood, how will you survive? And finally, America, where the drugs advertised on TV are like some commercial out of the movie Idiocracy, where the people are so stupid that all they do is suck on liquid sugar and watch TV all day. The drugs advertised today to help with arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety and allergies are nothing but an H.O.V. lane to health destruction, and rich doctors are ready and willing to remove your organs and anything else that costs a small fortune, to pay for their three-story homes and ritzy vacations.

You should trust any doctor who's been to eight years of school to learn about drugs and surgery, right? Wrong! You should believe in second opinions, even if they come from the same theory, that the human body is born inept and weak. Wrong again. Examine your eating habits closely. The mentality has been corrupted by blind faith in a system that offers chemical "solutions" for chemically driven diseases and disorders. The word genetic is thrown around as if it always means "hereditary," so people will accept "sickness" as normal.

People think that you're supposed to be on 20 medications by the time you're 80 years old. People think that it's okay to have your appendix, gall bladder, one lung and one kidney removed, just because the doctors tell you that you can survive without them. But can you? Do you? Maybe you need ALL of your organs, because they all do a specific job and work in tandem, and maybe you could be holistic and whole, if you just ate the right organic foods, superfoods, spring water and herbal remedies.

Eastern Medicine vs. Western GMO Medicine

Put it this way, if you take herbs and tinctures that have worked for healing humans for thousands of years, then you are relying on a long history of proven practice and research. If you take pharmaceuticals and eat processed food, your are hinging your health on 75 years of political corruption in those industries. Is that YOUR "doctor" and adviser? Do you want to be sick? Do you want to live many of your days in hospitals and clinics, taking GMO medicine and eating genetically modified food from their "cafeteria"? Not many people do.

Wake up to who really cares about you and your health. Natural News enthusiasts are sharing vital information online every day and discovering solutions that have been "covered up" by U.S. schemes and plots to remove them. Don't be a conspiracy theorist, just be healthy. It's time to wake up and smell the organic food.

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