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Bacteria-eating combo virus sprayed on meats, cheeses and organic foods

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(NaturalNews) Clever labeling laws have made it possible for companies to spray a bacteria-eating virus, the food additive called "Listex," on organic food and get away with it. You can find this cocktail of six bacteria-eating viruses (bacteriophages) on everything from meat and cheese to fruits and vegetables. This additive is a combination of "trained killers" that have been concocted in a lab to target Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium responsible for sickening humans. It's just another band-aid approach to dealing with CAFO pathogens, and no companies are even required to tell you. What's "growing" inside your refrigerated, packaged, "ready-to-eat" product? Could it be superbug Listeria or just biotech's Bt-cry-toxin disorder? Maybe it's all just fear mongering. (http://www.fooddemocracynow.org)

Food Criminals and the FDA

As consumers are getting more and more savvy about reading labels, these food criminals figure out new ways to get around being noticed. Changing names, using super-fine print and jumping to use FDA-approved toxins on even organic food are perfect examples of a flawed food system where checks and balances are virtually nowhere to be found. Even USDA-certified organic food does not have to pass any heavy metal toxicity tests or have any warnings about mercury, lead or aluminum content. How safe is THAT for the environment and human health? How can the USDA-certified organic seal still allow this?

The American conventional meat industry uses ammonia and bleach to kill viruses, virus combinations to kill bacteria, DNA from insects to kill other insects in corn and soy, insecticide inside seeds to kill beetles and antibiotics to kill pathogens in bred-for-slaughter animals, but it doesn't all work all the time. Cases of E. coli and Salmonella go widespread and lead to recalls of all kinds of products. Cases of superbugs and superweeds are spreading in the U.S. So who's recalling Listex? Who's trying to ban it? Who even knows about it? (http://www.foodrenegade.com)

Not one single human safety study done on Listex

You may be familiar with the acronym "GRAS," meaning "generally recognized as safe." This is the FDA's favorite way to approve anything that they don't want to spend any money on researching for safety. Here's another phrase you'll recognize: "This statement has not yet been evaluated by the FDA." For natural and organic vitamins, minerals, herbs and tinctures, that usually means that it works and the establishment doesn't want you to believe it, use it or be healed from your Listex poisoning, GMO food, fluoridated water or lab-made pharmaceutical medicine addiction.

The virus "safety precaution" is an overload of endotoxins -- substances known to provoke allergies, asthma, autoimmune disorders, inflammation and elevated cholesterol, and even work as a catalyst for colon cancer. Viruses are highly adaptable, so the samples presented to the FDA simply can't be reliable, even if endotoxin levels were undetectable at the time they were approved. This is a complex matter with very scary implications. Intralytix, Listex's manufacturer, claims to have "purified" the viruses, but what is happening year after year is a mystery. (http://www.fooddemocracynow.org)

Here's comes the rub. Bacteriophages can battle with friendly bacteria in the digestive system, making it harder to digest food. This can severely damage your immune system and your first line of defense, which is your gut flora. What will the body do to protect itself from Listex? This is a valid concern.

How do GMOs interact with mass quantities of bacteriophages?

Viral fragments in genetically modified foods contain viral "promoter genes" that help foreign DNA infect the host. This means that live viruses inside Biotech's GM corn, soy, cottonseed, canola and sugar beets can recombine to create more aggressive viruses (hence the term recombinant). Ever been worried that you'll get a flu shot or vaccination with a LIVE VIRUS and come down with the very sickness that you were being inoculated to avoid? Imagine inserting live viruses into your food, spraying your food with bacteria-eating viruses and then getting a flu shot, all in the same day.

Look for sustainable, local farms that treat their animals with respect, where they graze and see sunshine, where they eat natural food that they are supposed to eat, and where they don't need antibiotics to fight back infections, because they don't get infections and parasites from their living quarters. Look for certified organic food and ask questions of the manufacturer about heavy metal toxins, known carcinogens and Listex.

America is full of immuno-compromised adults, thanks to allopathic medicine, chemotherapy and GMO food. Educate your family members, your friends, your kids and your neighbors about natural health news that affects their daily lives.

Don't be one of the 1,600-plus Listex victims this year or some other kind of victim of food "terrorism." Never eat GMO anything. It is a cold hard fact that pesticide and insecticide cause cancer and mental illness. Don't be a guinea pig for Big Food!

More information and breaking news on vaccines and GMOs can be found respectively at Vaccines.NaturalNews.com and GMOs.NaturalNews.com.

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