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Steve Jobs

New ethical questions surface over Steve Jobs and possible bribery of transplant doctor

Thursday, December 12, 2013 by: PF Louis
Tags: Steve Jobs, transplant doctor, medical ethics

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(NaturalNews) Steve Jobs shrouded his treatment choices in secrecy while struggling with the pancreatic cancer he was diagnosed with in 2004. His secrecy was tight enough to annoy Apple executives.

A top Apple director, Jerry York, was quoted off the record saying that he was so displeased with Jobs's lack of transparency regarding his illness that he had nearly resigned from the board over the matter.

York's off the record status was removed after his death in 2010. But this "lack of transparency" was frustrating to Apple directors and executives running a multi-billion dollar enterprise while Steve would go on leaves of absence to attempt different treatments secretly and then return only to go off secretly again.

And that was just the kind of activity from a prominent pubic figure that promoted rumors and medical mafia-fueled media misinformation that once again was used to malign alternative cancer treatments.

What is known about Steve Jobs' cancer and treatments

The type of pancreatic cancer diagnosed for Job was a rare but less virulent form known as neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors, which manifest from the cells of the endocrine (hormonal) and nervous systems. It's considered treatable with early surgery, which Job underwent shortly after the diagnosis.

What was publicized, however, was Steve's reluctance to surgery and his preference for a curative diet instead. Never mind the fact that he indeed had tumors surgically removed from his pancreas in 2004, shortly after his diagnosis. The media focus was on his preference for an undisclosed dietary approach and that he was a vegetarian.

All that means is that he didn't eat meat. How much processed foods and sugars he consumed is unknown. But right away, the shadow was cast on healthy dietary approaches. This misinformation was used to pontificate about how Steve blew it by not undergoing conventional treatments immediately, even though he did!

Another treatment Jobs underwent was disclosed after his demise. It was an unusual approach by a Swiss medical center that's not available in the USA. It's a special form of hormone-delivered radiotherapy (radiation) developed by the University Hospital of Basel in Switzerland.

Though unique, it's a variation of orthodox oncology that mainstream media incorrectly label "alternative."

Jobs had secretly visited the Swiss hospital around 2009. But shortly after that, in the same year, he underwent an unpublicized controversial liver transplant in a Memphis, Tennessee, hospital.

Evidently, the cancer had spread to his liver. Steve Jobs was advised to enroll in more than one liver transplant waiting list.

Tennessee has a short list. Multiple enrollments are considered legal, but only the extremely well-off can manage it. This gives billionaires unfair advantages. Even shadier, Steve owned a large, expensive house in Memphis, controlled by one of his LLCs (limited liability companies).

And during Jobs' last two years, the surgeon who performed the transplant lived there while he was going through divorce proceedings, with the LLC attorneys paying all the large utility bills and high real estate taxes that whole time.

The surgeon, Dr. James Eason, has not commented on whether he actually paid rent during those two years, but he did manage to purchase the home from the LLC at below market value after Steve passed away.

Dr. Eason maintains that Steve Jobs was the most needy candidate for a liver transplant on their list. But some medical experts and journalists suggest conflicts of interest involving the treasured, large house.

Many surgeons consider liver transplants for cancer patients as wasting donor organs. Also, the immune system issues with a strange new organ and use of immunosuppressive drugs to allow transplants create a bigger burden for a cancer patient's immune system.

Steve passed away two years later, months after his last orthodox oncology attempt with chemotherapy at the Stanford Cancer Center in Palo Alto, California. Little of Steve's chemotherapy was mentioned by mainstream media, but Mike Adams was all over it here (http://www.naturalnews.com).

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