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Organic Food Party

The Organic Food Party of 2016

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 by: S. D. Wells
Tags: Organic Food Party, 2016 election, alternative medicine

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(NaturalNews) A new style of U.S. Government is set to make HUGE changes in food across the continent in 2016. Did you hear? The newly proposed OFP (Organic Food Party) isn't Democratic or Republican, and it's not Liberal or "Conservative" - no, they are just real, and they are making food (and medicine) changes in quality, legislation and ending GMOs! I think they should call it the Organic Medicine Party, because organic food IS organic medicine, but it's still really cool that the world is changing and waking up to the "cancer food" nightmare that has besieged the U.S. since WWII. So it only took 70 years to wake up, at least the human race realized before it was too late. Now we are going to take back the environment, replenish the soil's nutrients and grow food from ONLY organic seeds. NO more GMO! It's all illegal. Biotech is illegal as of January 1st, 2016. Monsanto will be dismantled. Bayer - dismantled. DuPont and Dow Chemical - finished. Nobody will be allowed to serve on the Supreme Court if they worked for Biotech previously, as this is the ultimate conflict of interest. Also, advertising drugs with horrific side effects -over. Just like before 1997, advertising drugs on TV will be illegal. This legislation will be enacted. Of course, there won't be any Obamacare, because the computer site never worked, and they couldn't fix the glitches, the 12 million glitches which were every word printed in the Affordable Care Act.

Say goodbye to pesticides, algaecides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and, yes, lab-altered seeds. The Government will be forced to "untie" their "ties" to the Biotech industry, and if you ever worked for Biotech, it will be illegal to work in a food or medicine regulatory agency for the government, including the FDA, the CDC, the EPA and the like. This is the END of depression from toxic food! (http://www.naturalnews.com)

The OFP - the Organic Food Party of 2016

They're saying Ron Paul is going to join up, which will be great, because the Republicans would have never given him the time of day he deserves. Ron is going to be the head of the FDA and the new FOOD CZAR. Excellent! Food freedom! Score another for human rights and ethics. They've already written into the legislation that HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, is illegal, and they are going to ban MSG and aspartame. They say that will reduce cancer cases and mental health cases extraordinarily and may cut those statistics in half in just two years. There is also going to be a "Food Safety Balance Committee" which will head up soil inspections, oversee the USDA organic seal to make sure that they are inspecting for heavy metals and pure seeds that aren't contaminated, and they will be advertising on TV natural remedies for diseases and disorders that really work and that nobody seems to know much about, in the Western World that is.

The OFP is the greatest and latest accomplishment of this great Nation, which was on the verge of food and medicine "collapse." This is a movement and a mission that should span the decades and, hopefully, centuries. Bye-bye, processed, dead food and chemical medicine! Hello, organic food and organic remedies! Also, read about the Canary Party, which is dedicated to the right causes for 2016! They're not just utopian.

One last thing to mention: The SNAP (welfare) program will be restricted to buying only organic food and spring water. Also, organic farmers will be subsidized with taxpayer money for their organic seeds and organic soil.

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