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Welfare recipients

Shocking interview: Welfare recipient admits sitting at home, smoking weed, waiting for govt. money

Friday, December 06, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes
Tags: welfare recipients, government dependents, taxpayer money

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(NaturalNews) Most Americans realize there is waste, fraud and abuse in virtually all government programs. That includes the government's various and sundry welfare programs.

But when you actually hear someone who is living large on your dime say without a morsel of guilt or regret that they have no problem doing so, you can't help but feel used and abused - and angry.

There's no question that most Americans work hard for their paychecks (and in many cases, it takes more than a couple of paychecks for many families to get by). But tens of millions of others are just sitting around, being unproductive, living off of the fruits of someone else's labor.

As noted by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.com:

You'd think that emergency funds or government subsidization through programs like welfare would be used to help recipients purchase the things that they need to get by and help them get back on their feet so that they can find meaningful labor and contribute to society, but in a system without cross-checks and billions being dished out year-after-year, many have learned that they don't need to work.

And why should they? You're doing the work for them in the form of taxpayer subsidies that are deducted from your earnings on a weekly basis.

'Our check's gonna come in the mail every month'

He goes on to correctly note that the system put in place by progressive socialist liberals over the past several decades tends to punish the successful and productive by robbing from them to redistribute wealth to the least productive and least deserving in our society.

"Case in point: A welfare recipient in Austin recently contacted a morning radio show and explained that she gets a lot of money from the program. What she does with it may (or may not) surprise you," Slavo wrote.

You can listen to an audio of the caller, who dialed into a local radio program, here. What you hear should shock you.

Here's a sampling of what the caller, "Lucy," said:

While workers out there are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us?

I get to sit home... I get to go visit my friends all day... I even get to smoke weed...

Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don't contribute to society, we still gonna get paid.

Our check's gonna come in the mail every month... and it's gonna be on time... and we get subsidized housing... we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas... Why should I work?

Ya'll get the benefit of saying "oh, look at me, I'm a better person," but when ya'll sit at home behind ya'lls I'm a better person... we the ones gettin' paid!

So can you really blame us?

What's that expression? I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go...

Think about this person - and the millions like her - when you see how much the government robs from you in the form of payroll taxes on your next paycheck. While you toil away working two or three jobs to make ends meet, spending time away from your family, friends and loved ones, remember that Lucy is getting high, hanging with her friends, shopping - doing whatever she wants to do - while the working stiffs of America subsidize her life.

If ever there was a poster child for welfare reform, Lucy is it.

What if the government just paid everybody?

It gets worse. There are some in Washington and the liberal media establishment touting an idea called the Universal Basic Income. Essentially, the government mails every single American over the age of 21 a check each month, for an annual "salary" equal to the official poverty limit.

How's that sound? At an annual cost of about $2.14 trillion, every American would be "equal" in terms of income. Isn't that wonderful?

We would all make the same crappy money. Except for the governing masterminds, that is. They would always have more and live better than the rest of us.

No more "poverty," right? Actually, the UBI idea institutionalizes poverty, as well as complete government control over your life.

A nation of Lucy's. Perfect. How long do you think America would last?





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