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New Year''s

Before the New Year, clear the air and clear your mind - Stop smoking!

Sunday, November 10, 2013 by: S. D. Wells
Tags: New Year''s, new direction, stop smoking

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(NaturalNews) As Obamacare cripples the country with exorbitant price gouging, millions of Americans will not only lose their current health coverage and their doctors but also lose their jobs or have their hours cut back, putting a huge damper on their ability to meet their monthly bills, including mortgage/rent, power, heat, car loans, gas and food and water. Top off all that with some added expenses, like useless pharmaceuticals or cigarettes, and you have millions of people in a "fight or flight" panic mode for months or even years.

Not only do toxins in food and drinks drive people's health into the ground and thus feed depression, stress and disease, but pollution in the environment, including the immediate environment, adds a lot to these problems. Dust, dirt, mites and parasites accumulate and infest homes, automobiles, offices and even your personal belongings. Smoking cigarettes or being around people who smoke just compounds that chaos. You can start "clearing the air" by ending some bad habits and replacing them with constructive, healthy rituals. Toxic air fresheners, old, dirty vacuum cleaners and carcinogenic cleansers like bleach and ammonia cause major health problems.

You can cleanse your home, your car, your office (if you have one) and your surroundings with all natural products, organic products and sustainable, health-benefiting products. Start off with an air purifier, natural air fresheners (essential oils), baking soda for cleaning and an all natural method for quitting smoking. Instead of emptying your wallet on things that exacerbate your problems, clean the air and "clear your mind" by choosing affordable, organic methods for renewing yourself and your environment! (http://premium.naturalnews.tv)

End your "resting inertia" and get moving!

You could stop wasting money on something that cripples your health nearly every hour of every day. Some people smoke from dawn until they lay their heads on their pillow. There are smoke fumes in the house and in their clothes and a little cloud follows them wherever they go. Some people just can't find the right time to "get healthy," because they are too stressed right now. Wait a second; it's the cigarettes that are stressing you out! Ever think of it like that? Your need for a cigarette is catered to by your brain "fog" that's better known as the "cigarette hangover." A combination of ammonia, bleach and pesticide is clogging your ability to "clear the clouds" and think positive.

January 1st, 2014, is the date to remember and also the date for which to prepare. If you are wasting money or feel pressured to waste money, feel that pressure NO MORE. This is the end of bad habits and the beginning of the NEW YOU. A person consuming only organic and actual natural foods, herbs, tinctures and superfoods will not need extemporaneous GMO food, pseudo-luxuries and mutated superbug medicine.

You now have the chance to clear the air, by learning the natural method to quit smoking; be frugal, and get healthy before the ball drops at midnight on December 31st.

2014 is quickly approaching

My friends, the longest journey starts with a single step, so get over your "resting inertia"; once you get "moving," you will love your new healthy life. If you or a loved one, or even just a friend, smokes cigarettes and wishes to know how to quit, try the natural method that is organic, sensible and has you off cigarettes forever within 14 days. Quit smoking before New Year's Eve and imagine how clear the air will be when that ball drops at midnight! You'll be able to think straight, and your body will be cleansed of those 4,000 chemicals! You could change everything by eliminating cigarettes from your life. Make your resolution right now and don't let chemicals or nicotine "invade your life" anymore! (http://www.14andout.com)

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