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Fukushima cleanup efforts put northern hemisphere on alert

Thursday, November 07, 2013 by: Jonathan Landsman
Tags: Fukushima, health alert, regenerative medicine

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(NaturalNews) At an estimated cost of $150 billion, the Fukushima nuclear power plant 'cleanup' efforts have suspicious ties to organized crime and many on-site workers lack the required expertise to handle such nuclear disasters safely or effectively. With over 7 layers of poorly-supervised sub-contractors, like Tepco, Kajima and Obayashi Corp. - workers are routinely being exposed, in less than 1 hour, to deadly levels of radiation. But, there's more to this story and the truth needs to be told.

An unprecedented threat to humanity is about to unfold - in the next 18 months. Contractors, already proven to be incompetent, plan to move a huge stock-pile of damaged (highly-radioactive) fuel rods to 'safer' ground. Once you understand the magnitude of this project - you quickly realize what's at stake.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour - we expose the unspoken truth about Fukushima and what you can do to protect yourself from radiation exposure. This important health show includes a comprehensive 4-step program to protect you from radiation damage. Don't ignore the risks - learn more now.

Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email address for show details + FREE gifts!

Chernobyl is warning humanity about the dangers of nuclear power

Medical epidemiologists have already documented that Chernobyl's total radioactive release - over 20 years (1986-2006) - killed about one million people and injured eight million more. We now know, from confirmed data, that the Fukushima accident has already released 6 times the radiation of the entire Chernobyl event - to date. This highly-toxic radiation has gone into the east-Asian aquifer (Japanese water table and the northern Pacific Ocean), as well as the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere.

27 years later, the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown continues to contaminate the food supply of unsuspecting consumers and has laid waste to huge areas throughout Eastern Europe. Most of the devastating effects have not even been reported - until now - and, no doubt Europeans will suffer the health consequences for hundreds of years. In terms of the Fukushima disaster, it's almost unimaginable what the fallout will be to all life on this planet.

Get the facts about Fukushima and how to protect yourself from radiation poisoning. Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email address for show details + FREE gifts!

It's time to wake up - the Japanese people (and the world) are in for a big surprise

Humanity seems to have an insatiable need to feel 'normal' - especially after horrible events like 9/11 and Fukushima. But, as noble as it may appear to put terrible episodes behind us, we can't neglect even bigger threats ahead of us. For generations to come, highly-toxic radioactive particles like, Cs-137 and Strontium-90 will cause a staggering number of cancers, injury and death to millions of people - worldwide. Those 'in the know' must do everything in their power to protect themselves and share this news with family and friends.

On an individual level, I encourage you to consume adequate amounts of selenium, clean sources of seaweed, non-GMO vitamin C, melatonin, bee pollen, chlorella, mushroom extracts plus, naturally, lots of fresh, raw and organic vegetable juices. If you live in the northern hemisphere - these preventative measures are a must and, if you suffer from health problems, seek immediate help from a qualified healthcare professional with experience in 'regenerative medicine'.

The next NaturalNews Talk Hour features one of the most intelligent and compassionate healthcare providers in the United States. This is our strongest health alert of the year - join us for a life-saving event.

This week's guest: John Apsely, MD(E), DC, ND - an expert in regenerative medicine

Find out how to protect yourself from radiation exposure - Sun. Nov. 10

Dr. John Apsley holds degrees in medicine - MD(E), chiropractic - DC, and nutrition - BS. His board certifications include: Acupuncture and Meridian Therapy, Spinal Disability Evaluator (CSDE), and Insurance Claims Reviewer (IRC). He is also a qualified instructor of Electrodermal Scanning as well as Darkfield Microscopy.

Dr. Apsley has written or co-authored five books, including a best seller entitled - The Regeneration Effect and, his latest work, Fukushima Meltdown and Radiation: Protecting Ourselves and Future Generations. Additionally, he has published and lectured extensively on the clinical applications of human regenerative techniques in medicine (Applied Colloidal Therapeutics? - ACT?).

This is an urgent wake-up call for humanity! In the next 18 months, Fukushima workers plan to move huge stock-piles of highly radioactive fuel rods to 'safer ground'. This never-before-attempted work holds the fate of humanity in their hands. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, learn the truth about Fukushima - like you've never heard plus ways to protect yourself from radiation poisoning.

Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email address for show details + FREE gifts!

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