(NaturalNews) As promised, Natural News has made two important donations toward food transparency and honest labeling for consumers. We've just donated $12,000 to the YES on 522 campaign in support of GMO labeling laws in Washington State.
We also urge all Natural News readers to help support this campaign in any way you can. We're up against some real monsters in this fight. The biotech companies have, predictably, raised millions of dollars to run intentionally deceptive and misleading ads that lie to consumers and try to scare people into thinking that GMO labels would somehow vastly increase the cost of foods. In truth,
foods already contain labels and adding the ink on existing labels to comply with the law is a negligible cost.
Confirming this, the ANH-USA health freedom group has just released a study concluding that
GMO labeling will cost consumers zero dollars!If you'd like to help support Initiative 522, check out their website and consider making a donation:
YesOn522.comNatural News donates $7,500 to the Institute for Responsible Technology
We have also just issued a donation for the IRT. This donation is part of a
matching funds campaign that matched individual donors with money from Natural News. Together, we aim to help Jeffrey Smith and the IRT lead us to victory in this fight for food justice.
Visit the IRT's website at:
By the way, Jeffrey Smith is co-hosting a new
GMO mini-summit with John Robbins. You probably haven't heard of it yet, as it's just now starting to be announced.
Click here to reserve your FREE spot in the GMO mini-summit, which goes live October 25th.
Other Natural News projects
Compared to the money being pumped into the anti-labeling GMO campaigns right now, these donations we're making may seem small. However, keep in mind that few independent media organizations make substantial donations of any kind whatsoever.
Natural News is one of the very few that actually earn enough of a profit to write checks to worthy causes. (And we never ask for donations from readers, you may have noticed.)
More importantly, we are currently making
enormous in-house investments (i.e. expenditures) for a breakthrough project that I've already promised will be announced before the end of calendar 2013.
This project is requiring a huge amount of cash to fund, and it will absolutely rock the natural health world (in a good way) when it is released. When you see this announcement sometime before Christmas, you will immediately understand what a gigantic undertaking it is and why it costs so much money. I promise you, this announcement is a true
game changer for the industry and it creates unprecedented benefits for health-conscious consumers. This is the kind of project that normally might only be pursued by a national government or a multi-billion-dollar corporation, but we are on track to completing it right here at Natural News. (So stay tuned for the big announcement later this year.)
One more update: We've just completed the deployment of
12 million scientific studies for
SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, the internet's largest relational search and research site for scientific studies on foods, nutrients, medicinal herbs, minerals, heavy metals, drug side effects and more. Check that out if you haven't yet seen it. It's the ultimate research site for authors, bloggers, journalists, naturopaths, researchers and more.
As you can see, we're staying very busy producing these projects that have tremendous benefits for the public. All of this is only possible through your support, and especially when you shop at the
Natural News Store, where we carry the most heavily scrutinized and lab-tested selection of superfoods, nutritional supplements, herbal supplements and more. Even the FDA recently tested some of our imported raw materials from South America and gave us the thumbs up.
If you're looking for super clean superfoods and nutritional products at competitive prices (with free shipping on orders of $99 or more), check out the
Natural News Store.
Thank you for your support, and thank for giving us the resources we need to make donations to worthy causes and pursue these monumental projects that help bring empowerment, awareness and lifelong health to literally tens of millions of people.
You and I are the last line of defense for humanity's future
We, collectively, are the last line of defense for humanity against an industry of death called "biotechnology." Together, we must stand firm in demanding GMO labeling followed by the outlawing of all genetically engineered crops altogether.
Although we are vastly out-spent by powerful, criminally-operated corporations and truly evil "scientists" who are paid to promote biotech interests, we will ultimately win this fight for food justice for the simple reason that
they can no longer conceal the truth. Through websites like Natural News and others, we are exposing the truth about what's in food, the toxic practices of conventional agriculture, and the devastating health effects of eating processed, factory-made foods.
Join me in this effort and we shall achieve a lasting victory for not just ourselves, but future generations as well. We are winning because we are on the side of light, love and individual empowerment. We celebrate humankind and seek to protect its future. We are the voices of truth, the spiritual warriors, the activists, the philosophers, the humble scientists and the loving moms and dads who represent the real future of humanity. We shall emerge from this age of darkness, poison and deception to bring a new era of light, liberty and justice to this land.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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