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Robotics revolution to replace most human workers in three generations; labor class to be systematically eliminated

Sunday, September 29, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
Tags: robotics revolution, worker displacement, depopulation

Robotics revolution

(NaturalNews) As much as seventy percent of the human race will become obsolete within just three generations. Why? Because robotics technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that highly-capable humanoid robots with advanced vision recognition and motor coordination systems are going to take over most menial labor jobs.

Supporting this conclusion, a new study just released by Oxford scientists concludes that 47% of all jobs are "at risk" of being replaced by automation systems and robots in just one generation (roughly 20 years). But this is just the opening chapter of the robotics revolution that will rapidly make human labor all but obsolete.

In my estimation, over the next three generations (about 75 years), we will see humanoid robots take over nearly all traditional labor roles in society, including manufacturing, agriculture, construction, firefighting, food service and even community policing. Most of the physical work done today by humans will be turned over to humanoid-shaped robots built much the same way we are: two arms, two legs, two eyes and roughly the size and shape of a 5' 9" man.

This, in turn, will make virtually all human laborers obsolete. There will be no more need for people to pick crops, paint houses, clean windows, drive ambulances or even fight wars. Humanoid robots will take over every repetitious, dangerous, disgusting or boring task that humans currently tackle, from cleaning toilets and sweeping floors to driving taxis.

A fascinating new book is coming out on this very topic in just a few days. It's called Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era by James Barrat. I've pre-ordered the book to make sure I get a copy when it's released on October 1. Obviously, I haven't read the book yet, but it sounds like it covers what I'm talking about right here: the end of an entire class of human beings as robots rise up and displace them.

Why a future full of robots may not be as rosy as you think

To the typical naive citizen, all this talk about robots taking over menial labor jobs sounds futuristic and exciting. "We can all sit back and relax!" they'll say. "The robots will do all the work for us!"

Except for just one thing: the only real reason laborer populations are tolerated by the rich and powerful who really control the world is because laborers are needed to run the economy. Someone needs to pick the crops, sweep the floors and do the dry cleaning, in other words. Once capable humanoid robots transition into all the jobs currently carried out by flesh-and-blood humans, there will be no further need for a large segment of the human population.

This, combined with the terrible cost the world population is accruing in terms of environmental destruction and use of dwindling resources, already has world leaders like Bill Gates talking about population control... also called "depopulation" solutions. Global depopulation technologies have been under development for decades, running the gamut from mild to aggressive. Here are the three main types of depopulation technologies that exist right now:

Depopulation technologies, from mild to aggressive

#1) Family planning - birth control, abortions and one-child policies that reduce population over time by limiting childbirth. This is seen by globalists as the most "humane" way to reduce global population because it does not require the actual killing of adult humans.

#2) Covert infertility technologies - these includes GMOs and mercury in vaccines, both of which either cause spontaneous abortions or result in widespread infertility. Plastics chemicals also fall into this category. The key with these systems is that they are deployed covertly, population-wide, through either the medical system or the food system. The global elite who are aware of these depopulation vectors intentionally avoid non-GMO foods, mercury-laced vaccines and non-organic food for this very reason.

#3) Direct kill weapons - the primary weapon in this category is bioweapons. The U.S. Army, in particular, has already developed level IV bioweapons capable of killing 98% of those it infects. Other direct-kill weapons include nuclear power plant sabotage, nuclear war (missiles striking high population areas) and an intentional collapse of the global food supply, resulting in mass starvation.

Globalist power players are currently pushing strategy #1 very aggressively through family planning and abortions. Strategy #2 is also well under way with mass vaccination and GMO consumption. Strategy #3 is being held in reserve, ready to be unleashed when the time comes to eliminate the masses and transition the global economy to a combination of humanoid robots (the majority) run by a small minority of human elitists.

That's the final equation in all this: Laborers will be replaced by robots and phased out of the human gene pool one way or another. What the globalists want remaining is a highly-automated society with a relatively small number of humans remaining who are high-IQ individuals capable of focusing on technological advancement for the survival of the human race in a cosmos full of competing civilizations. One of the primary focus areas of this effort will be space-based weapons to defend humanity against non-terrestrial threats. Those potential threats include widely-acknowledged things such as asteroids as well as "top secret" things such as advanced non-terrestrial civilizations mounting an attack against Earth.

In the cosmic scale of things, by the way, it's actually a very important strategy to shore up strategic defenses of our home world, especially as we currently have no backup plan and no colonies on other worlds. If Earth is destroyed, humanity dies with it.

Who will be allowed to live? Those who can create

Here's how the globalists think: In order to shape the future in a way that conserves resources while maximizing the technological progress of human civilization, all so-called "useless eaters" must be eliminated, as they waste far too much food, energy and land. The precious resources of planet Earth must be conserved for those few who have the intelligence to know what to do with it.

Over the next century, it will become obvious that only innovative, high-IQ individuals who can out-think the robots have any real value to society. People who can program the robots -- or help design new ones -- are extremely valuable and will be allowed to live. People who can invent new technologies, create inspiring art, or write original fiction will also be valued precisely because they can do the things robots can't.

Specialty experts like surgeons will see their roles radically shifted. They will become strategic decision makers while their companion robots become the mechanics who actually carry out the procedures with extreme precision. Soldiers, too, will become in-the-field strategic decision makers managing squads of robotic grunts. This means the number of soldiers needed to run a war is drastically reduced, and human soldier casualties will be drastically reduced as well. (Which creates a dangerous incentive for imperialist nations to start more wars, thinking, "Oh, it's only robots that are dying, not people.")

The roles of truck drivers, police officers, bank tellers, fast food workers, food preparers, lawn care workers and many others will be radically shifted as robots take over. Importantly, as each robot is purchased to do a job, it replaces a human worker who will then become jobless.

How robots will multiply the great socioeconomic divide

Robots will sharply divide the economic classes. Those who are replaced by robots will become jobless and homeless. Those whose lives are enriched by the benefit of the robots will become abundantly wealthy in the material quality of their lives. (Although, notably, robots will not make their spiritual lives any more meaningful, so don't expect the robot revolution to equate to increased happiness.)

In time, the number of people displaced by robots will become so large and so enraged that mass riots can be expected to unfold across the cities of first-world nations where robots enjoy widespread deployment. These riots will reinforce the idea to the globalists that all these "useless eaters" need to be eliminated. After all, they no longer have anything to offer society that isn't already accomplished more efficiently by robots.

Expect to see accelerated efforts to find covert ways to eliminate these people through food and medicine vectors, including "free vaccines for the poor" campaigns that intentionally inject displaced workers with vaccines which cause medium-term death or widespread spontaneous abortions combined with infertility. For an historical reference to support this, note that the polio vaccines given to nearly 100 million Americans were later found to be contaminated with hidden cancer viruses. For decades, the CDC openly acknowledged this, but in a recent revisionist history scheme, the CDC scrubbed any mention of polio vaccine contamination from its website, hoping to erase this scientific truth from society's memory.

How to make sure the future needs you

If you're a cashier, a garbage collector, a drywall installer or any sort of ditch digger, the sobering truth of the matter is that the future doesn't need you. And the system will find a way to eliminate you a few short years after your job is eliminated. After all, the world's powerful decision makers can't have hundreds of millions of useless eaters rioting in the streets interfering with progress, right? (That's the way they think about it, anyway...)

So the only real way to ensure the future needs you is to invest in your education and boost your mental skills. Learn how to do something robots will not be able to do over the next 75 years: innovate, create and communicate. Make your dreams a reality through disciplined self-investment, entrepreneurship and action.

The more advanced your skills and mental capabilities, the more of a buffer you'll put between yourself and all those who will be "soft killed" as the robots take over the labor jobs in society. Robots, for example, will never be public relations consultants, fashion designers or fiction writers. They won't be journalists, screenwriters or psychologists. Robots do not have minds, spirits or souls, so they can never tap into the infinite creative potential of the human mind.

Anything you can accomplish that is creative will never be fully replicated by robots because creativity simply cannot be programmed. It can be simulated in some ways, but a robotic, computer-driven brain can never match the creative capacity of the non-material mind. Thus, conscious human beings with souls and minds will always have an edge over mechanical robots as long as they develop their unique spiritual gifts.

Here are some of the roles robots WILL play in society, however, as humanoid robots become increasingly affordable:

The humanoid robot rollout: a rough timeline

• The first humanoid robots we'll see will be soldiers. They will cost as much as $20 million each, and they will carry special sensors (infra-red vision) and equipment (emergency first aid) to track enemy combatants and help existing soldiers be more "effective" on the battlefield. Over time, this will transition to robotic soldiers becoming highly-efficient killing machines. Terminators, in other words, will soon carry rifles, kick in doors and toss grenades at "enemy combatants."

• As the cost of humanoid robots comes down, they will be deployed in municipal roles. Cities will be able to invest in robots as police officers once they approach the $2 million price range. Expect to see these appear and function much like the policing robots depicted in the sci-fi movie "Elysium" starring Matt Damon. View the trailer here:

As all this happens, the mass production of humanoid robots for military and police applications will bring down costs and improve reliability. This will translate into more affordable models which will then be easily deployed in a wider range of commercial applications:

• At the $1 million price range, humanoid robots will be embraced by the private sector for factory jobs: product assembly, welding, warehouse logistics and so on. While $1 million may seem high, compared to a human worker who shows up drunk, injures himself on the job, then files a lawsuit against the company, a million bucks is actually a cheap investment for a worker that never whines, moans, steals or sexually assaults fellow workers.

• Once humanoid robots reach roughly $500,000 in cost, they will be widely adopted by agriculture. A reliable ag-robot can replace several low-cost laborers, all while performing the job with better quality control, fewer e.coli infections and no labor laws to worry about. Robots don't get sick from pesticide exposure, either, allowing the agricultural industry to unleash extremely toxic chemicals with zero risk of lawsuits from the workers. This chemically-contaminated food will be fed to the unemployed masses, of course, in an effort to kill them off for reasons mentioned above. (Upper-class citizens will insist on eating organic, non-poisoned foods.)

• When robots reach roughly the cost of a new home ($300,000 on average), they will become widely embraced by families and individuals. These general-purpose robots will be sold as a hardware platform for an "entry-level" lease price, and buyers will pay a monthly fee much like paying on a home or vehicle.

The "base price" robot will be extremely limited in function, most likely performing only very simple jobs such as sweeping floors, serving drinks or providing basic watchful security. Owners who want their robots to perform more complex functions will need to purchase additional functional upgrades. Need your robot to do the dishes? That's a $200 / month software upgrade. Want it to wash your car? That's another monthly fee. Whatever you want the robot to do for you -- take out the trash, mow the yard, feed the cat, guard the house at night -- will require paying another monthly fee. (BTW, this is a hugely lucrative business to get into once the technology becomes available. The first trillion-dollar company will no doubt be involved in robotics.)

What consumers won't be told, by the way, is that all home robots will be spying on homeowners for the NSA, providing direct visual feeds that are archived in the government's secret archives. Robots will also overhear all conversations and they will be programmed to "red flag" anyone who talks about freedom, or liberty, or other "illicit" activities which may even include buying and selling heirloom seeds.

In summary, robots will, over time, transition from extremely expensive, high-end government soldiers to affordable, mass-produced consumer household helpers that also function as spy portals for the government to keep tabs on the population. Robots will also play a huge role in hospitals and health care during all this. One of the driving forces behind robotics R&D in Japan, it turns out, is the need for home care robots to aid Japan's aging population.

The key technologies still needed for humanoid robots to become feasible

Right now, robots do not exist that can perform all these functions. Today's humanoid robots are lucky to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without falling over. Portable power is also extremely limiting right now and may be the primary challenge for the commercialization of humanoid robots.

Here are some of the challenges that need to be overcome for robots to become commercially viable:

• On-board power: current batteries are lousy sources of power. This is why most robots you see in online videos are tethered to an external power source.

• Vision recognition and on-board computing. Currently vision recognition algorithms are slow and exhibit poor accuracy. The seemingly simple act of recognizing objects in a given space remains highly elusive to robotics software developers.

• Motor coordination, actuation and strength. This is one of the big ones we humans take for granted. How, exactly, do you design and build a robot that can pick up your pet dog without breaking its neck accidentally? It's a tremendously complicated endeavor, and today's robots are nowhere near the level of sophistication needed in this area.

• Behavioral limits and robot safety. How do you teach a robot not to accidentally harm a living creature such as the family dog or a human baby? This will be required before robots can be sold into homes, yet this is also a highly complex area of R&D that actually requires the engineering of a deep "moral code" of robotics. The programming of moral codes is extraordinarily difficult because it requires the development of an entire curriculum of life that must be taught to the robot brain. For example, robots will need to be programmed with some sort of "compassion mirroring" circuit that help the robot "feel" what others are feeling around it, so that if it accidentally steps on someone's toe and hears that person say, "Ouch!" the robot actually feels a sort of mirror-image "pain" in its own brain, and thereby learns not to harm other humans.

Most human beings already have this capacity, by the way. Those who do not have this so-called "empathy circuit" are called sociopaths. They tend to become high-level politicians and corporate CEOs because both positions are much easier to achieve if you have absolutely no compassion for fellow human beings.

One other aspect of all this is that robots will need to be taught rules for self-preservation. This also implies that robots will need to be taught the highly complex realm of "cause and reaction." This furthermore implies that robots must be taught the laws of physics so that it can, for example, anticipate how a falling object might harm its own body or the body of its owner. While such things appear simple to a human mind, they are wildly challenging problems for software developers dealing with physical robotic hardware operating in a three-dimensional space.

Even the simple act of picking a strawberry requires astonishing coordination between vision, brain interpretation, muscle coordination, timing and so on. How do you program a robot to avoid crushing the strawberry while gripping it firmly enough to pull it free from its stem? How do you program a bipedal robot to walk through strawberry fields without crushing plants and smashing the fruit? These are extremely complex problems, and it will take decades to solve them.

The bottom line

The upshot of all this is that even though robotics is still a long way from achieving the level of sophistication required to see humanoid robots deployed in military, commercial and household applications, the day is coming that robots will replace most human laborers.

When that day comes, unskilled laborers will have no (commercial) value to society. Robotics will expand the divide between the ultra-wealthy and the homeless, jobless masses. The global elite will deploy means of depopulation or population control to eliminate the "useless eaters" and drastically reduce human population on the planet.

The only humans "allowed" to remain alive will be those who possess valuable intelligence, skills or creativity that robots cannot replicate. People with creative skills will always be valued, even in a highly automated society.

The best way to protect your future and avoid becoming obsolete is to invest in developing your own creative skills so that you are always able to offer something to society which robots cannot. This will ensure your continued value.

If you have children, guiding them toward the development of creative skills is the best way to ensure their long-term survival in a society that's transitioning into robotics automation.

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About the author:Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com) and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of NaturalNews.com and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation.

Adams is a person of color whose ancestors include Africans and Native American Indians. He's also of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his "Health Ranger" passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution.

Adams is the founder and publisher of the open source science journal Natural Science Journal, the author of numerous peer-reviewed science papers published by the journal, and the author of the world's first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books.

In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.

In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories.

With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving NaturalNews.com. He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies.

Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed "strange fibers" found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health "gurus," dangerous "detox" products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.

Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.

In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over a dozen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics.

Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at HealthRanger.com.

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