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Handicapped children

Handicapped children exploited by rich moms who cut lines at Disney World

Sunday, September 29, 2013 by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer
Tags: handicapped children, rich moms, Disney World

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(NaturalNews) A devious breed of wealthy parents have been taking their families to Disney World and deliberately cutting in lines reserved for the disabled, exploiting handicapped children in the process.

Disney World goes out of its way to help disabled children enjoy attractions with a shorter wait time, allowing guests in wheelchairs or motorized scooters a more convenient entrance. Upon entry to the park, a card is issued to a disabled family member. That person can then use auxiliary entrances and bring up to six family members with them.

Wealthy moms hiring disabled to pose as family members

Some of the wealthiest parents are exploiting the guest assistance loop hole by paying big money to hire fake handicapped family members. This payoff allows certain rich families to mosey their way to the front of lines, lines that were specifically designed to benefit handicapped children.

Investigation finds that zealous rich moms from Manhattan are hiring black market disabled guides to help escort their spoiled families to the front of rides at the mega theme park.

One anonymous rich mom balked, "My daughter waited one minute to get on 'It's a Small World' - the other kids had to wait 2 1/2 hours."

Essentially, the conniving moms pay off disabled people from underground networks to pose as family members in motorized carts. The underground junket gives the "elite parents" a "free pass" to cut in front of all the other people. Normal people may wait hours for a ride, but the elite enjoy waiting times of mere minutes.

Social anthropologist Dr. Wednesday Martin discovered the dirty scheme when she located a network of underground "black-market Disney guides." Paid around $130 an hour or around a thousand bucks for an eight-hour day, these black market disabled guides are merely just pawns in the world of the 1 percent.

"This is how the 1 percent does Disney"

"You can't go to Disney without a tour concierge,'' one conniving rich woman said, "This is how the 1 percent does Disney."

The woman admitted to paying off a Dream Tours guide to pose as a disabled escort. Her, her husband and their spoiled 1-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter were escorted through the park in a motorized scooter with a "handicapped" sign on it. They sauntered straight to the front of every line, as they took advantage of the auxiliary entrance reserved for truly handicapped children.

Instead of treating people right, these parents think that their pocket-full-of-money makes them superior to other people. Sadly, they stoop as low as this - exploiting young disabled kids whom everyone should be looking out for.

This is a chilling example of how a select rich 1 percent abuses the weak and poor.

Eerily, these rich families are doing this even after they are offered official Disney World VIP fast pass guides for $310 an hour. The Disney World's VIP Tours, which the park provides for the rich to enjoy, are often discarded altogether for the more efficient "black market handicapped tour guide method."

Dr. Martin caught wind of the method when conducting research for her new book, Primates of Park Avenue.

"It's insider knowledge that very few have and share carefully," said the investigating Dr. Martin.

When she asked Dream Tours Florida boss man Ryan Clement about the underground service, he refused to comment, even after one rich mom pointed out that Clement's girlfriend, Jacie Christiano, was her family's disabled guide.

Disney set to change park policy

Since the investigation, Disney World has responded, changing park policy. The Guest Assistance Card is in the process of being replaced in October 2013 by a new system called the Disabled Assistance System. Several kiosks will be set up to assist anyone holding a DAS card.
The disabled will now have to reserve a ride ahead of time at the kiosks. Now, disabled people will have to verify their DAS card at kiosks, where attendants will ask which attractions the person wants to ride. A Fast Pass-like card will be issued, taking into account the wait time for each ride.

Essentially, a disabled person will now be required to wait for the ride, just not in the lengthy line. It's more like a reservation.

Meanwhile, the 1 percent will turn toward their next best option - use the VIP tour pass, which was already in place to cater to their rich "needs."

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