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Media whores become Washington prostitutes: TIME mag editor to join Obama administration

Thursday, September 19, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes
Tags: media whores, Washington prostitutes, TIME magazine editor

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(NaturalNews) The symbiotic relationship between the so-called "professional media class" and the ruling class in the Obama administration continues to grow, this time as the top editor for TIME magazine, Richard Stengel, leaves his post of seven years for the State Department.

Per Politico:

If confirmed, Stengel will serve as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, the role responsible for leading "America's public diplomacy outreach, which includes communications with international audiences, cultural programming, academic grants, educational exchanges, international visitor programs, and U.S. Government efforts to confront ideological support for terrorism," according to the State Department's website.

Senior U.S. officials confirmed that Stengel is in line for the position.

The coalition of the media, corporate America and the ruling class

In a statement, a senior U.S. official close to Stengel said: "One of the topics Rick focused a great deal on during his seven years as Time's editor was national service and making the case for why it's so important. Now he's taking his own advice and moving on to a senior role at the State Department, where he will have the chance to serve his country. Rick knows the subject matter well, having covered international affairs and interviewed numerous world leaders - including the man in the news today, Russian President Vladimir Putin."

A number of insiders most likely knew of Stengel's impending appointment; TIME said that he's been on hiatus from editing the magazine since July.

More from Politico:

At the State Department, Stengel will find himself in the company of other veteran journalists. Last week, as first reported by The Huffington Post, the White House announced that Douglas Frantz, late of The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, has been named the State Department's assistant secretary for public affairs. Glen Johnson, formerly The Boston's Globe's political editor, took a position as a senior state department advisor earlier this year.

And, of course, let us not forget current White House spokesman Jay Carney. Prior to his current post, he was director of communications for Vice President Biden, but before then, Carney was a media guy. He was hired as a reporter for The Miami Herald in the late 1980s, but then went on to serve as Washington Bureau Chief for none other than TIME magazine.

His wife is Claire Shipman, currently the senior national correspondent for the ABC program "Good Morning America."

There are scores of other examples - politicians who, once leaving office, are offered lucrative positions on the various cable news networks; journalists who go to work for powerful politicians and government agencies; and, of course, the further tie-in to the corporate world as well.

The media-corporate-government triad has, over the past century, become so blatant and so powerful that it is virtually impossible for ordinary Americans to be heard. That's why big media, and big media contributors, generally back whatever the ruling class is wanting.

The most recent example of this was President Obama's call to "punish" Syria with a limited military strike. The Old Guard members of both political parties supported it; Big Media figures generally supported it; the pundit class generally supported it.

The alluring power of the Triad

Even former "outsiders" like Chris Ruddy, founder and CEO of Newsmax - who made a name for himself covering the various Clinton-era scandals - is now one of Clinton's best buddies.

That "transformation to the dark side," as Joseph Farah, founder, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily notes, is all too common.

Of Ruddy, he wrote in March 2012:

Back in the 1990s, he and I were in the center of unraveling what became known as "the Clinton scandals." I won't even try to list them all. They are too numerous for a book, let alone a column. ...

Over the years, I have observed with some disappointment the changes in values and character that Chris Ruddy has demonstrated. He still belongs to all the right conservative groups. He still sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference every year. But, make no mistake about it, he is no more conservative than Mitt Romney - in fact, less so.

Besides calling Clinton a friend, Ruddy also supports Obama's call to bomb Syria, even though we'd be helping the same Al Qaeda that attacked us 12 years ago.

Yes, the tangled web that is the media-corporate-government triad is powerful - and, to guys like Ruddy, all too alluring.






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